>O2 HUB >>> So that’s why dinosaurs were so bad-tempered?


Itching for a fight: Could lice have made dinosaurs more aggressive?



So that’s why dinosaurs were bad-tempered… scientists reveal they were plagued by lice

By David Derbyshire

  • Study of insect DNA shows that lice evolved more than 65million years ago

No wonder dinosaurs were so bad-tempered. For scientists have discovered that the prehistoric giants were plagued by lice.
A new study of insect DNA has shown that lice evolved more than 65million years ago, at a time when dinosaurs still ruled the Earth.
The research also suggests that mammals and birds began to diversify into the vast range of different species seen today far earlier in prehistory than was previously thought.

Enlarge   A 44million-year-old louse fossil (left) and a modern version of the parasite (right) that infests aquatic birds. Scientists believe lice may have fed off the blood of feathered dinosaurs

A 44million-year-old louse fossil (left) and a modern version of the parasite (right) that infests aquatic birds. Scientists believe lice may have fed off the blood of feathered dinosaurs

Dr Kevin Johnson, of the University of Illinois, said: ‘Our analysis suggests that both bird and mammal lice began to diversify before the mass extinction of dinosaurs.
‘And given how widespread lice are on birds, in particular, and also to some extent on mammals, they probably existed on a wide variety of hosts in the past, possibly including dinosaurs.’
The researchers created an evolutionary family tree for lice using DNA from 69 different lineages.

Because changes in DNA accumulate over the millennia, the changes can also be used to create a time-line of the evolution of a related group of animals.

Dr Vincent Smith, a co-author of the study published in Biology Letters who works at the Natural History Museum, London, said: ‘Lice are like living fossils.
‘The record of our past is written in these parasites, and by reconstructing their evolutionary history we can use lice as markers to investigate the evolutionary history of their hosts.’
It was once thought that there were relatively few different species of birds and mammals while the dinosaurs were alive.

Itching for a fight: Could lice have made dinosaurs more aggressive?

It was only after the giant reptiles died out 65 million years ago that birds and mammals went through a period of rapid diversification – filling the niches in the seas, air and land left by the dinosaurs.
The new study suggests birds and mammals had begun to diversify long before the dinosaurs went extinct.
‘Ducks do different things from owls, which do different things from parrots, for example,’ said Dr Johnson.
‘I was thought that after the dinosaurs went extinct that’s when these birds or mammals diversified into these different niches.
‘But based on the evidence from lice, the radiation of birds and mammals was already under way before the dinosaurs went extinct.’
Many scientists believe that birds are the descendants of feathered dinosaurs.
Dr Johnson added: ‘So maybe birds just inherited their lice from dinosaurs.’

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>O2 HUB >>> Weird & Wild – What’s in an animal’s scientific name?


What’s in an animal’s scientific name?

 Tributes to dead presidents, professions of love, and sometimes even adolescent humor.
I got to thinking about taxonomy—or how scientists name new species—after reading that a species of rugged darkling beetle, Stenomorpha roosevelti, had been named after President Theodore Roosevelt. (Not that “rugged darkling” isn’t cool enough in itself.)
The taxonomic system, developed by 18th-century Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus, breaks down organisms into seven major divisions called taxa, from kingdom to species. Every identified species on Earth also has a scientific name with two parts, which is called “binomial nomenclature.” (Read more about Linnaeus, the “name giver,” in National Geographic magazine.)
The new beetle’s name honors both Roosevelt’s dedication to conservation and the hundredth anniversary of a speech he gave in Tempe, Arizona, according to Arizona State University, whose scientists participated in the discovery.
Speaking of beetle honorifics, a new leaf beetle was recently named Arsipoda geographica, in recognition for the sponsorship of the National Geographic Society, society grantee Jesús Gómez-Zurita wrote this month on NewsWatch.

A new species of beaked toad nicknamed the Mr. Burns toad. Photograph courtesy Robin Moore, ILCP

Other scientists dub new species out of gratitude. Fedex, for instance, is lucky enough to be forever linked to a 300-million-year-old amphibian with bone-ripping tusks. Scientists named Fedexia strieglei as a gesture of thanks to the FedEx shipping company, which owns the land where the fossils were found, study co-author Dave Berman of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh told me in March 2010.
Likewise, the chocolate company Cadbury got a sweet nod in Kryoryctes cadburyi, a cat-size, quill-covered, dinosaur-era mammal named by paleontologists who subsisted mostly on their chocolate during a dig.
Pop culture can also provide nomenclative inspiration. Take Calumma tarzan, found recently in a tiny patch of forest—also called the Tarzan Forest—on the vast Indian Ocean island of Madagascar.  Study leader Philip-Sebastian Gehring, an evolutionary biologist at the Technical University of Braunschweig, thought the name might promote conservation of the reptile—after all, “Tarzan stands for a jungle hero and fighting for protecting the forest,” he said in 2010.
In western Colombia in 2010, scientists happened upon a new beaked toad that was nicknamed the Mr. Burns toad. The new species has a “long, pointy, snoutlike nose [that] reminds me of the nefarious villain Mr. Burns from The Simpsons television series,” Conservation International expedition leader Robin Moore said in a statement in November.
Dinosaurs in particular are often bestowed with fierce monikers, like Bistahieversor sealeyi, the 29-foot-long (9-meter-long) dinosaur that once reigned over the Wild West. Eversor means “destroyer” in Latin.
Brontomerus mcintoshi—”thunder thighs” in Greek—was a powerful plant-eater that used its superstrong thighs to kick and flail predators, I reported in February.
Also, everyone knows love can make you do crazy things—like name a strange, fleshy-lipped fish after your significant other.
Marine biologist Nicola King of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, named the Antarctic critter Pachycara cousinsi after her fiance, geophysicist Michael Cousins.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” King said in 2008.
But hands-down my favorite scientific name, at least for now, is Phallus drewesiia suggestively shaped mushroom named, with permission, for a distinguished herpetologist with an sense of humor—Robert Drewes of the California Academy of Sciences.

Phallus drewesii, a two-inch-long (five-centimeter-long) species of stinkhorn fungus.
Phallus drewesii, a new species of stinkhorn fungus (read more). Photograph courtesy Brian A. Perry, University of Hawaii
Brendan Borrell, in his 2009 Scientific American blog post about P. drewesii‘s discovery, said it best: “Herpetologist Robert Drewes will forever be remembered for his two-inch Phallus.”
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