>BOOST O2 >> Upgrade your Facebook Comments Box For The New One in Blogger. (Tips- Full Guide)


Surprise, New Facebook Comments Box For Blogger In Very Easy And Simple Steps – Fixed ( Full Guide ).
What is the new facebook comments features.
  • Threaded comments : reply to comments.
  • User network : now it’s displaying the comment author not only name, but his profile info as well
  • Permalink to specific comments : Permalinks have now been assigned to each comment so people can share links and be directed to specific comments.
  • Notifications : sent to users will also go to the permalink, making it easier to respond. For example, clicking on the notification below will take you to the permalink of the original comment.
  • 2 Color schemes, regular light, and the new dark colors.

now let’s do it, don’t worry, i know that must of you tried to add it to blogger blogs, with no result, but today you’ll see how to add it in really easy steps and it’s 100% working. but please be careful and pay attention for all the details.

Demo Of New Facebook Comments Box For Blogger
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>O2 UPDATE > Why I choose Blogger for blogging?


Image representing Blogger as depicted in Crun...


I am very busy to take care of a website, and needed a blogging platform that allows me to manage my blog with relative ease.

There are several reasons why I choose Blogger:

  • Allowing a custom domain for my blog URL.
  • Can be integrated it with my Google Apps.
  • Easy of use.
  • 100% uptime.
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Better YouTube Support in Blogger

Blogger allows you to upload your own videos via the Blogger Post Editor. It also allows you to embed YouTube videos into your posts(by copy pasting the YouTube embed code into your post editor). Now Blogger has made this process even more simpler by providing a better interface for adding YouTube videos.
This YouTube integration is available only in the updated Post Editor. So if you are still using the old editor, it’s a good time for an upgrade.
This feature is currently available in the draft version of blogger. So, to test this new feature,you should login to your Draft Dashboard(http://draft.blogger.com) instead of the regular one(http://www.blogger.com)


Search for some video using some keywords, select the video and click the select button
Now you should see the video in your post Editor. You can continue editing the post using the WYSIWYG Editor and publish it. If you are trying to embed your own YouTube videos(The ones uploaded to YouTube by you), then you can use the “My YouTube videos” Tab.

Sharing a  video from YouTube.

YouTube has  got a Blogger Share Button which will enable you to quickly post the video onto your blog.This might be very useful when you suddenly stumble upon some interesting video and want to post it onto your blog.
If you have multiple blogs, select the appropriate one from the Popup Post Editor and you can quickly publish the video to your blog.


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Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...   

What is Google +1 … and What Does it Mean for Your Blog?

 by Jacob of BlogRevolter.com.

On March 30th, Google announced the release of its latest addition to the search engine, a small button called the +1. As with any Google announcement, there are always going to be implications—both great and not so great—for the average and professional blogger. Understanding the potential effect of Google’s new +1 feature can better help you prepare for the next six to twelve months of your blog.

What is Google’s +1?

In essence, Google’s +1 is a way for people to vote up the results in Google without making it appear like a Digg setup.
In other words, if someone likes the result that they found on Google, they hit the +1 button, then go on with their lives. When someone makes the same search that person made, they’ll see that there’s a +1 attached to the particular search result, and that, at least in Google’s eyes, will encourage them to click on that result.
Should you decide to allow your name to appear, people within your network will see that you, specifically, liked this result. But this last aspect is voluntary.

Why is Google’s +1 important?

For some time now, Google has been talking about how social media and social networking is going to directly tie in with search engine optimization. It used to be that we just built a bunch of links to rank for keywords. But, what I’ve noticed as a SEO is that other aspects are becoming increasingly important, including how a site deals with social media.
We can tie this increased reliance on social media to Google’s quest to provide the absolute best results possible. Here’s an example.
Darren Rowse runs this site about how to make money blogging. He’s got 173,000 readers via RSS, 128,000 Twitter followers, and nearly 23,000 people who like his Facebook group. In other words, he has a ton of readers.
Now, you’re Google and you’re trying to figure out who to position as the top results for the keyword “Professional Blogger.” Sure, someone might have a ton of backlinks, all containing that anchor text, to back up the claim that they deserve the number one result.
But how does Google know that those backlinks are genuine and not, say, purchased? It doesn’t.
The only way for them to truly know if that website is considered an “authority” is to see what people believe. And what better way to do that than track how Darren is doing in the social media and networking world?

The implications of Google’s +1 for bloggers

I look at this update as a powerful move for bloggers. Because we are taught that we shouldn’t put all of our eggs in one basket, we’ve all been focusing on social media, search engine optimization, and other aspects to bring traffic to our blogs.
Now that social media is, in part, connecting to search engine optimization, the amount of work that we do now doubles for both social media growth and search engine growth. But, there is still more to it than that.
Google will be releasing a button similar to the Facebook Like button. And if you click the +1 button, you’ll have automatically given your vote to that search result. You are saying to Google, “Yes, I like this.” And the search engine will remember that.
What this means, as a blogger, is that you need to produce the highest level of quality that you can. If others are getting that +1 and you’re not, are you going to be missing out on potential search rank? I’d say that you are.
If Google believes that it is important enough to create a new button and include it on their SERPs, they are definitely going to take it into consideration when trying to decide which site to put as number one. And, if it’s a difference of +1s that determine who should be first, I’d wager everything that the person with more +1 votes will get the number one ranking.
Since 34% of people click the first result first, and the second to fourth results get less than 34% of the clicks, total, it’s very important to get that number one rank.

How to get ready

Since it was just announced on the 30th, this is obviously a component that will take some time to roll out. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be getting ready for its complete implementation. Here are a few steps to getting prepared.

  1. First, ensure that you are publishing content that is high quality. No longer can you get away writing garbage content, or ripping content from other sites. Google’s Panda Update slammed people with this kind of content and no one will give you a +1 for it.
  2. Second, play around with it yourself when you start seeing it pop up. If you head over to Google’s experimental page, you can join the experiment and be put into the program to start working with it.
  3. Third, don’t start abusing it. One of the things that I think will play a major role in the success of +1 is who’s voting with it. If it’s the same few people, Google might not give those votes as much credit as other pages that get votes from random people. So, don’t start searching for every article you wrote to give it a +1.

Google’s +1 is not a social network, per se. However, it is a voting system that will give Google a better idea of what content people like and don’t like. And, when they release the button for inclusion on your web pages, you’ll have the chance to encourage your readers to +1 your site.
With Google’s love for social media growing, this is definitely an important step in your blog’s growth. How do you see +1 affecting your blog?

Jacob is a 22 year old SEO who works in Manhattan. When not managing SEO for a company, he works on his own network including BlogRevolter.com. He discusses topics such as link building and blog monetization. He is giving away a free ebook on how to get people to your website as well as how to keep them there. Be sure to follow him on Facebook.

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>Blogger 10 TIMES better than WordPress


Why Blogger is better than WordPress ?

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This is a Guest Post written by Navjot Singh. If you wish to write for Everything About Blogging, check our guest posting guidelines – Write For Us. Most of the times, we see that many bloggers are blog on WordPress! Even me. But why? We know that WordPress is better than Blogspot. The reason being, its features like more flexibility, less coding, high end features, a much better interface for multi-author blogs. But, there are many things for which Blogger is better than WordPress.

If we are going for WordPress, then we need a self hosted blog and for that, we will need to pay for hosting every month or year. But in case if you choose blogger.com you don’t need to pay for any hosting charges. Your blog is fully hosted on Google and if you go with WordPress (self hosted), well you need to buy a custom domain as well. But, in case of blogger you get your own xxx.blogspot.com and meanwhile, your WordPress blog is hosted on other company servers where we don’t get a 100% up-time, but in case of Blogger you get 100% up-time. Just think about this for second- can Google go down?

Well, after Google launched it’s XML powered themes function, many themes have been developed and most of them are available for free where as most of the WordPress themes are paid ones. Well, we can take Mukund’s My World template which is highly customizable and we just need a little knowledge about html and xml and you are ready to go. Most of the templates listed on Mukund’s blog are SEO Optimized & multi-author optimized. So, what more you need?
Even when I started my blogging, I started with a blogspot domain because it’s simple and easy to use. The interface helps the newbies to understand what blogging is… When it comes to understanding, Blogger will defeat WordPress in straight sets. You can play a lot with the codes. Most important  factor is that you don’t need to invest anything. You just start out blogging and after that when you really want to become professional, you can choose WordPress!
But, I would truly say that when I first saw “EAB – http://www.newbloggingtipz.com” I thought that it’s a WordPress blog run on Thesis theme. But when I came to know that this blog is hosted on blogger with a custom domain, I was amazed. It shows that how customizable Blogspot blogs can be! So you can choose Blogspot as your main blogging platform too. What actually matters – your content and a better design!!!
Blogger has started to introduce many features. The first being – xml driven blog, then a new template editor and now, there is a big change that will soon come into effect. The whole blogspot.com interface will be changed to new look, and that will be really awesome. Take a look at the video below:

We can conclude that we CAN opt Blogspot as our main blogging platform too. It can be easily edited to match with that of the WordPress features and the dashboard look, well, it’s soon gonna change. So, be it blogger or wordpress, enjoy what you do – blogging!!!

About the Author
Navjot works for Guangzhou Website Development and Web Design Dubai, companies that provides web design solutions in Shenzhen, Beijing, etc…

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