
Family watching television, c. 1958


Kids’ ‘screen time’ linked to early markers for cardiovascular disease

Six-year-olds who spent the most time watching television, using a computer or playing video games had narrower arteries in the back of their eyes — a marker of future cardiovascular risk, in a first-of-its-kind study reported in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology: Journal of the American Heart Association.

Australian researchers found that more sedentary behavior such as “screen time” was associated with an average narrowing of 2.3 microns in the retinal arteriolar caliber. A micron is one thousandth of a millimeter or one-25th of a thousandth of an inch.
In the study, 6- to 7-year-olds who regularly participated in outdoor had 2.2 microns wider average retinal arteriolar compared to those children with the lowest level of activity.
The magnitude of the narrowing associated with each hour of television/computer viewing was similar to that associated with 10 millimeters of mercury (mm HG) increase in systolic in children, researchers said.
“We found that children with a high level of physical activity had a more beneficial microvascular profile compared to those with the lowest levels of physical activity,” said Bamini Gopinath, Ph.D., lead author and senior research fellow at the Center for Vision Research at the University of Sydney. “This suggests that unhealthy lifestyle factors may influence microcirculation early in life and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension later in life.”
Retinal microvascular caliber is a marker for cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure in adults. But this is the first time that a sedentary lifestyle in childhood showed a narrowing of the vessels in the retina that could be a subclinical marker for in the future.
The study included 1,492 children in 34 primary schools in Sydney, Australia. Parents answered a 193-item questionnaire, providing the number of hours spent each week in indoor and outdoor physical activity and sedentary activity such as , videogames, computer time and reading.
Researchers took digital photographs of the vasculature in the back of each child’s eye, then calculated average retinal vascular calibers. Height, weight, body mass index (BMI) and three separate blood pressure measurements were taken and averaged.

On average, the children spent 1.9 hours per day in screen time and 36 minutes a day in total physical activity. Children in the highest levels of physical activity at just over an hour or more had significantly wider average retinal arteriolar caliber than those spending just under half an hour or less per day.
Increased screen time was associated with narrower average retinal arteriolar diameter after adjusting for age, sex, ethnicity, iris color, length of the eyeball, BMI, birth weight and blood pressure. Each hour per day of TV viewing time was associated on average with 1.53 microns narrower retinal arteriolar caliber.
“Excessive screen time leads to less physical activity, unhealthy dietary habits and weight gain,” Gopinath said. “Replacing one hour a day of screen time with physical activity could be effective in buffering the effects of sedentariness on the retinal microvasculature in children. Free play should be promoted and schools should have a mandatory two hours a week in physical activity for children.”
Physical activity enhances endothelial function and increases blood flow resulting in enhanced nitric oxide production, which has a positive effect on the linings of blood vessels.
The researchers said their findings might not be applicable to other regions of the world because of the temperate climate in Australia, where children are more apt to play outdoors. Study limitations included the use of parental rather than objective measurement of the children’s time spent in physical and sedentary activities.
“Parents need to get their up and moving and off the couch,” Gopinath said. “Parents can also lead the way by being more physically active themselves.”

Provided by American Heart Association (news : web)

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>How to Reduce Teen Screen Time Without Stress


As the parent of a teen, you know that it’s not easy for teens growing up in today’s media-saturated world. Although kids share the same concerns about school, friends, and fitting in as you did at the same age — today’s teens are never far from their cell phone, computer, TV, or video game console. And that adds up to a lot of distractions that take time away from important things like being physically active and finishing homework.
In fact, according to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, over the past 5 years, kids aged 8 to 18 have increased the amount of time they spend plugged into media by 1 hour and 17 minutes a day — up from 6 hours and 21 minutes to 7 hours and 38 minutes. That is almost as much time as you spend at work — except that kids keep at it 7 days a week. How is all this screen time affecting our teenagers?
“The more time kids spend in front of screens, the more inactive they are,” says Gwenn O’Keeffe, MD, a pediatrician and author of CyberSafe: Protecting and Empowering Kids in the Digital World of Texting, Gaming and Social Media (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2010). “And it’s any kind of screen — computers, TV, cell phones, or gaming.”
The bottom line, experts say, is whether your teen has weight challenges or not, activity helps children feel better, sleep better, and learn better — so you’ll want to get them away from the screen so they can get moving.
Here’s what you can do to encourage your teenager to scale back on screen time and become more active.

Reducing Kids’ TV, Computer, and Cell Phone Time — Without a Fight

Try these stress-free strategies with your teen:
Watch your own screen habits. Although your teen may not seem to pay attention to anything you do or say, you are still her most important role model. So you can’t tell her to cut back on TV time if you’re watching endless hours of TV, texting while you’re driving, or eating dinner with your Blackberry on the table.
“You have to watch what you do,” says Paul Ballas, DO, a child psychiatrist and medical director of the Green Tree School Clinic in Philadelphia. “Parents who have limited TV habits tend to raise kids who will have limited TV habits.” In short, if you set household screen-time rules, you also need to follow them.
Remind teens to limit screen usage. Banning electronics completely isn’t realistic these days, but it’s important to let your teen know you’re paying attention to how much time she’s on a screen. “Sometimes, you need to give them a gentle reminder like, ‘Hey, I think you’ve used enough technology for now — it’s time to get off and do something else,'” O’Keeffe says. “These kids were born digital, so it’s up to us to remind them that there’s an unplugged world.”

Motivate your teen to exercise. Many kids drop out of sports programs during the teen years. Your teen will be more motivated to move if you let him choose the type of activities he wants to participate in. For example, you may want him to play baseball, but he may prefer swimming at the gym. Show your support for his choice by providing transportation. You can even coordinate schedules so you can work out together.
Another way to help your teen be more active is to use his screen time as a motivation to move more. There are plenty of exercise videos and active video games available that are fun to do and can get his heart rate pumping. Encourage him to play with friends, or get the whole family involved in a little healthy active on-screen competition.
Encourage activities that involve socializing. Look for activities and clubs that engage your teen socially, so he will get out and be with other people, O’Keeffe says. If you can’t convince him to join you at social events, suggest activities related to his interests that involve other kids, such as school or church groups or volunteer work.
Create screen rules together. You’ll be more likely to get your teen’s buy-in if you come up with screen-time rules as a family. Together you can write up a contract that outlines clear house rules with rewards and agreed upon punishments. Here are some suggestions for rules to implement together:

  • No texting during meals, either at home or a restaurant
  • No TV during meals
  • No TV until after homework and chores are done
  • The TV gets turned off at a set time at night
  • The computer stays in a public room in the home
  • No TVs in bedrooms

Establishing rules about screen usage limits kids’ exposure to TV and other electronic devices, says Donald Shifrin, MD, clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle and a member of the committee on communications for the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Talk about it. Simply setting limits won’t go over well with older teens, who need to have rules that make sense to them, O’Keeffe tells WebMD. Explain that the more TV they watch, the less time they have to be physically active and the more likely they are to gain weight. Show them articles or books about the impact of using too much media so they understand that your rules aren’t unfounded — and that you’ve got their best interests and good health at heart.