


Dreams about your fears, anxieties, and insecurities

  • You’re standing buck naked in front of a group of people who are pointing at you. Meaning: You feel exposed, vulnerable, and unsafe about a situation.
  • You’re taking a test and panic that you don’t know the answers. Meaning: You feel unprepared to meet a challenge or solve an emotional dilemma.
  • You’re being chased by a horrifying pursuer. Meaning: You’re trying to escape a scary person or emotion (past or present) instead of facing it.
  • You lose your wallet and are stranded without credit cards or cash. Meaning: You’re afraid you’re without the emotional resources to cope with one or more aspects of your life. 
  • Your teeth fall out, crack, or decay. Meaning: You feel that a source of power has been taken away in your life; you can’t bite back or assert your needs in a situation. Also you may experience a lack of energy or nurturing from others. (Without strong teeth, it’s hard to chew food and assimilate its nutrients necessary for vitality).
  • You’re wandering around lost, unable to find your way home. Meaning: You lack a sense of inner or outer direction. You don’t know how to get back on track with a situation or relationship and don’t feel emotionally supported.

Dreams affirming your strengths, emotional achievements, and largeness of spirit

  • You’re able to fly, a natural, joyous feeling. Meaning: You’re empowered, creative, unfettered by the drag of negativity.
  • You triumph over impossible odds–there is a flood, landslide, or a war and you survive. Meaning: You have the courage, strength, and heart to overcome difficult emotional obstacles.
  • You give birth or watch someone give birth. Meaning: You’re coming into your own, thriving. It’s a time of new beginnings for relationships, career, or revitalizing health and emotions.
  • You feel vibrant, eating (not overeating) a delicious meal in good company. Meaning: You’re nourishing yourself emotionally and others are nourishing you.
  • You’re getting married or celebrating someone else’s wedding. Meaning: You’re becoming whole! Your physical, emotional, and spiritual sides are becoming integrated. You’re ready for more of an emotional commitment to yourself, your work, or another person.
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