>Gold Uses


Gold is an ancient metal of wealth, commerce and beauty, but it also has a number of unique properties that make it invaluable to industy. These properties include:

• Resistance to corrosion
• Electrical conductivity
• Ductility and malleability
• Infrared (heat) reflectivity
• Thermal conductivity

Gold’s superior electrical conductivity, malleability, and resistance to corrosion have made it vital in components used in a wide range of electronic products and equipment, including computers, telephones, cellular phones, and home appliances.
Gold has extraordinarily high reflective powers that are relied upon in the shielding that protects spacecrafts and satellites from solar radiation and in industrial and medical lasers that use gold-coated reflectors to focus light energy. And because gold is biologically inactive, it has become a vital tool for medical research and is even used in the direct treatment of arthritis and other intractable diseases.
The demand for gold in industry is steady and growing. The supply of gold from stored inventory and from mining operations is limited and will remain so. Demand from investors who want to posses this precious metal is steady, and increases during periods of world crises or instability. The result is a market with much more upside potential than down.
Gold is an excellent hedge against inflation, and protects earnings for the future. Modern investors can invest in gold the traditional way — by purchasing gold bullion in the form of bars or coins — or they can trade in gold or gold futures electronically, or by investing in gold mining or refining companies.

Learn More
To learn more about the uses for gold, please visit:
The Gold Institute
World Gold Council.

>Currency Chaos: Where Do We Go From Here?


‘The most important initiative you could take to improve the world economy would be to stabilize the dollar-euro rate.’


Global monetary relations are in disarray. Exchange rates fluctuate wildly among the world’s major trade partners, spawning talk of protectionism and a currency war. Gold is soaring as the dollar slides, and economists debate whether the biggest threat to U.S. recovery is deflation or inflation.
We need a giant of economics to help explain all this and recommend a remedy. Where in the world is Robert Mundell when you need him?
As it turns out, Mr. Mundell—the Columbia University professor who advocated the hard-money, low-tax policy mix that broke stagflation in the early 1980s, and who received the Nobel Prize in 1999 for his work on exchange rates—happened to be in New York this week. It’s a lucky break. When he’s not at his 500-year-old castle in Italy, the “father of the euro” is usually en route to his next lecture somewhere in the world.
“What is wrong with the global economy today?” I ask him. “How do we fix this monetary mess?” We are sitting on a comfortably worn sofa in the parlor of his apartment near campus, drinking tea. Plush fabrics drape the walls, along with Baroque paintings in ornately-gilded frames. And there are piles of books in the adjoining rooms. Really. Thick piles of books are stacked in corners, heaped against walls, balanced on short wooden tables.
“The problem started before World War I,” Mr. Mundell commences. “The gold standard was working fairly well. But it broke down because of the war and what happened in the 1920s. And then the U.S. started to become so dominant in the world, with the dollar becoming the central currency after the 1930s, the whole world economy shifted.
“Think of it like the solar system: It started with gold at the center, as the sun, but then Jupiter got bigger and bigger until all the planets started circulating Jupiter instead.”
“And the U.S. is Jupiter?” I deduce.
“Yes,” he affirms, “and the spread of the dollar was just miraculous as it became the anchor for the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system after World War II. The price of gold was fixed at $35 an ounce in 1934, but by the time the U.S. got through the Korean War, the Vietnam war, with all the associated secular inflation, the price level had gone up nearly three times.
“Gold became very undervalued; European countries traded in dollars for gold until the U.S. lost more than half its stock. The U.S. went off gold in 1971, under Nixon, and nobody else has gone on it again.”
Mr. Mundell, 77, is clearly in his element as he traces the monetary history of the last century. Like his apartment, he radiates a charmingly disheveled elegance, jaunty in jeans and an open-necked cream shirt.
“So our problems today,” I posit, “are related to the fact that the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange-rates linked to gold broke down?”
“The system broke down,” he hastens to explain, “not because of fixed rates. Fixed exchange rates operate between California and New York . . . the system broke down because there was no mechanism to keep the world price level in line with the price of gold.”
Atop the closest mound of books is a volume titled: “Shaping the Post-War World: The Clearing Union.” It features the collected writings of John Maynard Keynes from 1940-1944, when the famous British economist was helping to design a new international monetary order to provide a stable foundation for a world economy devastated by war.
“Are you thinking,” I venture, “that maybe it’s time to start figuring out the design for a new international monetary order? Should the U.S. offer new proposals regarding exchange rates and monetary policy?”
Mr. Mundell, who is Canadian, looks troubled. “I don’t think the U.S. has any ideas, they don’t have strong leadership on the international economic side,” he replies. “There hasn’t been anyone in the administration for a long time who really knows much about the international monetary system.”
He elaborates that it would not be possible today to forge a monetary system with the dollar as the key reserve currency, as President Franklin Roosevelt and Treasury Secretary Henry Morganthau did in the 1940s. “To be fair, America’s position is not nearly as strong now,” he concedes. “But what has disappointed me is the reluctance of the U.S. to take into account this big movement in the rest of the world to do something about restoring stability to the international monetary system.” He frowns. “They ignore it, as if the dollar’s exchange rate is a mere domestic matter.”
I take a sip of tea. “Do you think it has to do with our relationship with China?” The U.S. is threatening to impose tariffs on Chinese goods if Beijing doesn’t make them more expensive by revaluing its currency.
“The U.S. berates China for its exchange rate policy, which Washington doesn’t like,” Mr. Mundell says, noting that discriminatory tariffs against China might not be legal under the treaty provisions of the World Trade Organization. “But one-sided pressure on China to change its exchange rate is misplaced.”
Shaking his head, Mr. Mundell asserts: “The issue should not be treated as a bilateral dispute between the U.S. and China. It’s a multilateral issue because the U.S. deficit itself is a multilateral issue that is connected with the international role of the dollar.”
He goes on to explain that the dollar bloc includes China and other Asian countries—except Japan—but that the euro now constitutes the rest of the world. “The euro today is the counter-dollar,” he says. “The most important initiative you could take to improve the world economy would be to stabilize the dollar-euro rate.”
He thinks the European Central Bank, along with the Federal Reserve, should intervene in currency markets to limit movement in the world’s single most important exchange rate, pointing out that the dollar and euro together represent 40% of the world economy.
“If the U.S. demurs, are we headed toward a global currency war?” I ask.
Mr. Mundell looks tentative. “I don’t think it will come to a currency war,” he says. “The U.S. is still very powerful; it would be an unequal battle. But it’s important to have a high-level conference to explore opinions for reforming the world monetary system. The Europeans should be involved, as well as emerging countries.” He mentions that French President Nicolas Sarkozy recently spoke about the need to bring experts together for an intellectual discussion on the issue, perhaps in China.
“So you think a fixed exchange-rate system is more conducive to global free trade and global economic recovery than floating rates?” I ask.
Mr. Mundell registers surprise that I would even inquire. “The whole idea of having a free trade area when you have gyrating exchange rates doesn’t make sense at all. It just spoils the effect of any kind of free trade agreement.”
oming from the man who helped design Europe’s single currency, it makes perfect sense. Since its introduction in 1999, the euro has eliminated exchange-rate fluctuations among the 16 trade partners who have adopted it. In just over a decade, the euro has become the world’s second largest reserve currency after the dollar, and the second most-traded currency in foreign-exchange markets.
Which brings to mind another question. “What do you think about the rise in currency trading by banks, with some $4 trillion now turning over daily in global currency markets?”
Mr. Mundell thrusts out his arms. “It’s part of the sickness of the system! These currencies should be fixed, as they were under Bretton Woods or the gold standard. All this unnecessary noise, unnecessary uncertainty; it just confuses the ability to evaluate market prices.”
Mr. Mundell has a knack for boiling things down to simple terms. He grew up on a four-acre farm in Ontario, went on to earn a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and would ultimately challenge the renowned Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago during the late 1960s. Both economists were strong proponents of free markets, but Mr. Mundell disagreed with Mr. Friedman’s advocacy of floating exchange rates.
The sound of a buzzer indicates lunch has arrived. Mr. Mundell suggests that we continue our discussion at the table and politely invites his assistant Ivy Ng, who has been taking careful notes, to join us.
“We’ve been talking about the possibility of global monetary reform,” I continue, deciding to switch gears. “Let’s talk a bit about domestic monetary policy. What do you think the Federal Reserve should be doing right now?”
It’s a seamless transition for Mr. Mundell. “The Fed is making a big mistake by ignoring movements in the price of the dollar, movements in the price of gold, in favor of inflation-targeting, which is a bad idea. The Fed has always had the wrong view about the dollar exchange rate; they think the exchange rate doesn’t matter. They don’t say that publicly, but that is their view.”
“Well,” I counter, not particularly savoring the role of devil’s advocate, “I suppose Fed officials would argue that their mandate is to try to achieve stable prices and maximum levels of employment.”
Mr. Mundell looks annoyed. “Well, it’s stupid. It’s just stupid.” He tries to walk it back somewhat. “I don’t mean Fed officials are stupid; it’s just this idea they have that exchange-rate effects will eventually be taken into account through the inflation-targeting approach. In the long run, it’s not incorrect—it takes about a year. But why ignore the instant barometer that something is happening? The exchange rate is the immediate reaction to pending inflation. Look what happened a couple weeks ago: The Fed started to say, we’ve got to print more money, inflate the economy a little bit. The dollar plummeted! You won’t get a change in the inflation index for months, but a falling exchange rate—that’s the first signal.” Clearly on a roll, I press a bit. “You mentioned gold?”
‘The price of gold is an index of inflation expectations,” Mr. Mundell says without hesitation. “The rising price of gold shows that people see huge amounts of debt being accumulated and they expect more money to be pumped out.” He purses his lips. “They might not necessarily be right; gold could be overvalued right now.”
Sensing that the soup is getting cold, I decide to cut to the chase: “What would be your winning formula today? What advice would you give to Washington that would help turn around our moribund economy?”
He pauses to think, but only for a moment. “Pro-growth tax policies, stable exchange rates.”
And then, with his spoon poised over his own bowl, he smiles sweetly and beckons for us to begin. “Buon appetito.” Ms. Shelton, an economist, is author of “Money Meltdown: Restoring Order to the Global Monetary System” (Free Press, 1994). She is co-director of the Sound Money Project at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation.

>Precious metals >> Top investment


Precious metals were the top performing investment for the second consecutive year during 2010 with their value soaring by 42% as people sought a safe haven from inflation, research indicates.
It is the fourth time in the past five years that precious metals have topped the tables for the best asset class, as continuing uncertainty over the prospects for the global economy caused investors to flock to gold, silver and platinum, according to Lloyds TSB.
The value of precious metals has surged by 365% during the past 10 years, nearly double the increase for the next best performing asset during the same period – residential property, which made a gain of 198%.
The steep increase in precious metal prices seen during 2010 was driven by silver, with its value jumping by 80%, significantly outstripping the 29% rise in the price of gold and the 20% increase for platinum.
The group said the price of silver had been boosted by pressure on the supply of the metal, as demand remained high from both investors and industries which use it.
Commodities were the second best performing asset class during 2010, offering returns of 30%, while they were the third best during the past decade, with a 176% increase in value.
They were also the best performing asset during the first two months of 2011, driven by a 38% jump in the price of cotton since the start of the year, due to a combination of rising demand from Asia and falling supply as some of the major cotton producing countries were hit by flooding.
All nine asset classes produced a positive return during the past year, although people who held their money in cash would have seen it rise by just 0.6%, while residential property did little better with a gain of 1.2%.
UK shares and commercial property both returned 14.5%, while the value of international shares increased by 10.6%.
Suren Thiru, economist at Lloyds TSB, said: “Going forward, the level of demand from emerging economies, particularly from China and India, is likely to remain an important determinant of many assets prices as well as the pace at which the global economic recovery continues.”

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>What happens to gold in an oil crisis?


What happens to gold in an oil crisis?
It goes up.

When the first crisis hit back in 1973 in the wake of the Arab-Israeli war, nothing happened immediately. But then as the impact of the embargo began to be felt in the US – and in particular as oil began to be rationed – that changed.

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The price of gold doubled in less than four months from $85 an ounce to $180, with the peak coming just as the embargo ended. The price then eased slightly. But as GMP Securities point out, the end result was that it stabilised in a much higher range – $130-$150 – than it had previously held.
The same thing happened the next time round. As the Iranian Revolution and then hostage crisis developed, the gold price spiked to $850: the rise started as the Shah lost control and kept going when Carter deregulated the oil price. Then it went parabolic when the US embassy in Tehran was seized, topping out only as the Carter Doctrine (which stated that anything that threatened US energy supplies threatened US security) was announced.
However, when gold fell back, it didn’t, as you might have expected it to do, fall back to $200. Instead it moved into yet another higher range – around the $600 level. On both occasions the rise – and its new high range – was driven by two things, geopolitical risk perceptions and the inflation triggered by the rising price of oil.
So what now? You could argue that we haven’t yet got an energy crisis: the price of oil is up but not yet startlingly so and at the same time energy dependence is not quite what it was back in 1973. But what if the crisis in the Middle East spreads? According to George Albino of GMP, the same thing will happen again: inflation and a geopolitical risk premium will once again “have a very significant impact” on short term and, just as in the 1970s, on medium term gold prices too.

>Gold and Silver Break Out as Political Unrest persists


Robert Lenzner
Gold bullion closed at $1438 after hitting $1442, and will rise as  investors try to protect themselves  in  a world gone mad with chaos and blood. Silver actually hit a new 35  year peak  at $37.19, and  getting closer to the $40-$50  goal we set last fall.
Gold is no longer  just a  hedge against QE2  and  inflation– or a  hedge against deflation. Or a hedge against a declining dollar. Today, gold  has become an expression of the instability spreading from Tunisia to Egypt to Libya  to Syria, to Yemen, to Saudi Arabia, to Iran, to Bahrain– and those  street  dissensions to come, conceivably in Kuwait, UAE, and elsewhere. Oil supplies  are threatened. Buy gold and silver.
You don’t believe? Look at a chart of gold against silver. They are  moving in  absolute tandem now.  Any Sheikh trying to preserve  his fortune must own gold and silver.
In the US the price  of GLD, the largest gold ETF, hit a peak of $140 and looks set to breakthrough that mark tomorrow or the  next day. Let’s see if net selling turns  into net  buying. Are you listening Soros and Paulson, and their camp followers?
Then, there’s the Wikileak’s impact on gold and silver. The FT reported a few days ago, via  cables  released by  Wikileaks,  that  more central banks are plowing into gold, playing catch up with China, Russia  and India.
Listen up!. Iran,says the Bank of England via the FT, is making “a significant move… to purchase gold. Likewise, the Qatar  Investment Authority, no slouches, and Jordan’s central bank are  putting   reserves into gold. I must call my friend at  the Bank of Israel to find out what he’s doing. I’m sure I won’t get anywhere.
Imagine; gold and silver at new peak prices. While oil is only at $106– high for sure, and going higher in fits and starts, and copper has eased recently  as the Chinese reduced their purchases. A  shocking development. Goldman Sachs is still bullish.