>O2 HUB >> Millions of Bristle Worms Swarm Vilano Beach, Florida (video)


Police and fisherman reported million of bristle worms (polychaetes) in the water off Vilano Beach, Florida early Monday morning. Scientists say the event was a bristle worm mating frenzy. It is an annual event. The local fisherman are not fans of the event because the fish feed on the bristle worms and become less likely to bite on lures. There is also a CNN clip below.
Video footage shows a giant, writhing mass of bristleworms swarming on a St. Augustine beach, much to the utter delight of CNN’s Brooke Baldwin.
The swarm apparently occurs once every year, with thousands of the little grayish-pink creatures coming out to mate in an early morning frenzy, not unlike Schlitz-soaked coeds haphazardly stumbling into one another during Spring Break.

Take a look:



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