>How to Use Amazon Cloud Player


How to Use Amazon Cloud Player for Android

Amid rumors of Google and Apple launching their own cloud music service, Amazon.com quickly released the Amazon Cloud Player. The service lets you upload up to 5GB of music to the cloud for free, which can be accessed from any other computer or Android device.
Sadly, iOS and other mobile platforms were left out–Amazon did not release an app or Web compatibility for them.


With the Amazon MP3 app for Android, you can play, edit, or download music stored in the cloud. Music you purchase from the in-app store can be automatically backed-up onto your cloud and won’t count against your storage capacity. Clear up some storage on your Android phone, and keep your music safe with this quick guide:

Go-to intern Sharon Vaknin blogs for CNET News, tests MP3 players, and coordinates inventory at the CNET Labs. She’s a broadcasting student at San Francisco State University who’s unashamedly addicted to social media and sushi. E-mail Sharon and follow her on Twitter.
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