>O2 VISIONS >What do we want to be when we grow up? (video)


Puberty on the Scale of a Planet

As I put together the post on  the role of boosted intelligence in meshing infinite human aspirations with a finite planet, it brought to mind a theme that has been tugging at me for years now. It’s the question of how to blend data, uncertainty and values to produce a worldview and way of life in a time of great change, risk, opportunity and complexity.
As an introduction to this question, I offer below a version of a talk I’ve been giving of late, named after this blog. It may be the only time you’ll see the word puberty in a discussion of environmental sustainability. To a modest extent, I’m trying to take the approach Murray Gell-Mann has extolled in discussing the value of taking a “ crude look at the whole.”
The answers are starting to emerge, in large part thanks to the ongoing discussion here (in other words, largely thanks to you). But for now, here’s a framing of the question…

9 Billion People + 1 Planet = ?

At a quickening pace, humanity is etching its signature across the Earth, diverting waterways and downing forests, spreading  pythons to the Everglades and American  bullfrogs to Bordeaux, extracting minerals used in cellphones from a last patch of gorilla habitat, altering the atmosphere,  knitting the land with roadways and the sky with contrails. For two generations, the nascent environmental movement railed against this process. Like many, I was weaned on that scary sensibility. Population was a ticking bomb. Spring threatened to be silent. I still admire those who led the call for cleaning up the mess people had created in the rise and spread of industrialized, consumptive living.
But lately I’ve come to see those recent dirty decades less as malfeasance (mind you, there have been plenty of dubious actors) and more as an inevitable phase, a transition as natural — and volatile — as puberty.
The real question is, what comes next? As its moment on Earth has arrived, H. sapiens, one of nature’s great experiments, has necessarily had to have a selfish, muscle-flexing, exuberant adolescence. It is only natural for a young person to break things, burn things, kill things, to be mean and even nasty sometimes, if only to learn how that attitude can bite back. In a youth’s life, mistakes are not only inevitable; they are vital.
In fact, by one measure we truly are a teenage species at this moment. There are currently about 1.2 billion humans between the ages of 10 and 19. Some demographers have recently concluded that this so-called “ youth bulge” could well constitute the largest single generation that will ever exist (as long as humans are restricted to this planet, at least). This pulse of youth is not only intensifying pressures on resources, but also providing fodder for extremist movements and contributing to social unrest as employment fails to keep up. If provided with education and opportunity, however — perhaps as simple as a micro-loan of $200 to buy some tools — those in this generation can be a force for progress.



A group of youths danced around a car they had set on fire in a Paris working-class district Wednesday night, the seventh night of clashes.
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There comes a time in almost everyone’s youth when those remarkable human traits, self-awareness and empathy, catch up with potency, when you pause and reflect, when you first look back at the muddy tracks you just left across a floor and conclude that you are the person who needs to mop things up. Most people go through this transition successfully and become responsible citizens. Most of us would not leave the scene of an accident.
Now it may be humanity’s turn to go through  the same kind of transition. All species that have preceded people as planetary powerhouses never had to worry about such a coming of age because, as far as we can tell, they had no inner mirror or global view. They pressed on like bacteria on agar or rust on iron, pushing out to peripheral zones where only the absence of essentials prevented them from advancing. People have eternally pressed outward as well, but with a difference. Through the rise of human civilizations, individual communities came to the realization that they could not be perpetually wanton, that they had to store seed for spring, that if they stole from their neighbors they would probably be robbed in kind, that if they stained a river and sickened those downstream, there was nothing to prevent the next upriver village from fouling their waters. Over time, norms evolved. Neighboring countries followed suit, entering peace pacts and economic agreements. And most recently came global treaties, first to establish mutually beneficial rulebooks for issues like the treatment of prisoners of war, more recently to foster fairness in trade and enact shared standards for protecting the globe’s commons –- its atmosphere, biological veneer and seas.
But, so far at least, these have just been baby steps. That is not surprising. After all, one could argue that it has just been 40 years since we really got our first good look at ourselves.
Some have even put a date on that epiphany, December 24, 1968, which happens to be right around the time I shot that little bird. If there ever was a moment in human history that put all of our travails and disputes in context, it came on that day, when Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and Bill Anders, the three astronauts on Apollo 8, became the first humans to orbit the Moon. Anders had spent nearly an hour photographing craters and other features on the surface, charting possible landing sites for subsequent flights. When he was done, Borman began adjusting the spacecraft’s attitude, tilting the nose back up in line with the horizon. As he did so, an object came into view floating in space just above the blazingly bright pocked moonscape.
It was the first “Earthrise” ever witnessed by human eyes.

Japan’s space agency and NHK broadcasting company filmed a new view of the lunar “earthrise” last year. (Credit: Copyright JAXA/NHK ) UPDATE, 12/25 : The Genesis reading by the Apollo 8 astronauts, and Christmas in Deadhorse (Alaska).] Forty years ago today, the Apollo 8 astronauts, the first…

The reactions of Borman and the others were captured in a tape recording. “Oh my God,” Anders exclaimed. “Look at that picture over there! Here’s the Earth coming up!”
One of the resulting photographs set Earth in sobering isolation in a way that its inhabitants had perhaps never appreciated before. Interestingly, while the mission planners at NASA had anticipated virtually every activity of the astronauts, hour by hour, minute by minute, they had not foreseen the simple emotional power of looking back at the fertile home planet over the barren shoulder of its sterile moon.
From that point on, our worldview has been steadily enriched, as ever more expeditions, satellites, and sensors have been lofted into space or deposited in the oceans to study, photograph, and measure everything from plankton blooms to urban sprawl. Observations in real time are only one facet of the self-awareness revolution. Ever-expanding understanding of the planet’s distant and recent geophysical and biological past has helped put the human impact on the planet in context, and opened our eyes to natural perils that have only been hinted at in the blink of an eye we call history.
Some of our actions are the equivalent of faint static behind the stronger signal of natural variations in droughts, storms and the like. But other research has shown that human actions have put us in the planetary driver’s seat even though we have not yet passed driver’s ed. Scientists have recently concluded that people are the dominant force shaping ecosystems. We have up-ended the oceans’ web of life,  removing 90 percent of the mass of great predatory fishes that were there a century ago. And, through the use of pesticides, genetic manipulation and antibiotics, humans are  now said to be the dominant influence on natural selection, the engine of evolution.
Perhaps most consequentially in the long run, we are altering the insulating power of the atmosphere by raising the concentration of a trace, but influential, greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, more than a third in 150 years. We are well on the way at least to doubling its concentration compared to levels that were the norm for more than 800,000 years and likely far longer. A century of science has built a robust understanding that  this trend is nudging the planet’s thermostat in ways that are already perceptible and could be disruptive both for us and for ecosystems from the tropics to the poles.
The view ahead is afforded by the newest scientific tool: simulation. For three centuries, science relied on two practices to advance: observation of the world and experimentation to test hypotheses about what made things work. But because there is only one Earth, and it is already in the midst of a planet-size experiment – the buildup of greenhouse gases – the only way to test various outcomes is to build mockups of the planet using equations.
The ongoing explosion of computer power has allowed geophysicists to construct ever more detailed  mathematical “stunt planets” that can be subjected to all kinds of abuses that could not be done safely or responsibly on the real Earth. Integrated with lessons from the past and observations of current changes, the models — while still highly imperfect — have created a picture of a planet that will be increasingly under our sway for generations, indeed centuries, to come.
Not only is knowledge exploding in volume, but it is also spreading around the world as satellites, fiber-optic cables, and other communication links knit communities and the global knowledge base. This is happening at every level of society. Governments have initiated the first  Global Earth Observation System of Systems, an attempt to link satellites and other environmental monitoring technologies into a single database. Squatters in shantytowns in Africa and Asia now are linked by the Internet through a network of “ Shack Dweller” associations, through which they trade information on common issues. Cell phones allow Kenyan farmers, still lacking a lamp at home, to get the price of corn before heading to market. Hundreds of millions of computer users have downloaded their own personal worldview, Google Earth.
There was a Russian geochemist,  Vladimir Vernadsky, who in the 1930’s foresaw a day when the globe evolved from simply being a common habitat for myriad species to being what he called a “ noosphere,” a planet of the mind, a place where ecology and enlightened human intelligence meld.
We’re nowhere near anything like that. But the turbulence of our times, reflected in everything from terrorism to the thawing of the iconic frozen seascape of the Arctic, hint that a great transformation, for better or worse, is in the offing.

About Dot Earth

Andrew C. Revkin on Climate Change

By 2050 or so, the world population is expected to reach nine billion, essentially adding two Chinas to the number of people alive today. Those billions will be seeking food, water and other resources on a planet where, scientists say, humans are already shaping climate and the web of life. In Dot Earth, which recently moved from the news side of The Times to the Opinion section, Andrew C. Revkin examines efforts to balance human affairs with the planet’s limits. Conceived in part with support from a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, Dot Earth tracks relevant developments from suburbia to Siberia. The blog is an interactive exploration of trends and ideas with readers and experts.

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Astronomers study unusual asteroid

  By Peter Gwynne Astronomers Study Unusual Asteroid

This image shows a model of the protoplanet Vesta, using scientists’ best guess to date of what the surface of the protoplanet might look like. It was created as part of an exercise for NASA’s Dawn mission involving mission planners at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and science team members at the Planetary Science Institute in Tuscon, Ariz. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/PSI

A space mission will soon visit an unusual asteroid called Vesta that may turn out to not be an asteroid at all, but a minor planet.

You’ve heard of Pluto, once a full-scale planet that astronomers now classify as a dwarf planet. Now meet 4 — or Vesta for short — an that may not be a real asteroid.
The 330-mile diameter object sits in the asteroid belt, a collection of large and small pieces of rubble that circles the sun between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. But Vesta, numbered 4 because it was the fourth member of the asteroid belt to be discovered, is larger than most of its asteroid companions and also differs from them geologically.
An unmanned called Dawn is now heading for Vesta to explore those differences.
“There are at least two classes of objects that have been called asteroids,” said Thomas McCord, director of the Bear Fight Institute in Winthrop, Washington. “The real asteroids are broken up pieces of rock 100 kilometers (62 miles) in diameter or smaller. The others are more like small planets.”
In addition to Vesta those others include Ceres, the largest asteroid and first to be discovered, and Pallas, the second asteroid to be spotted. Ceres is now classified as a dwarf planet like Pluto.
However, Vesta is unique in several respects. It is denser than Ceres and Pallas. It also appears to be differentiated into a rocky surface and an , like the terrestrial planets Earth, Mars, and Venus. And it is continually shedding material from its surface as a result of collisions with small asteroids.
“There are little pieces of Vesta all over the ,” said Tim Spahr, director of the Minor Planet Center at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass.
Astronomers have already had a close-up view of some of those pieces because some of them have landed on the Earth’s surface as meteorites. Scientists recognized their provenance by studying their spectra, which indicates their chemical composition, and comparing them with Vesta’s spectrum.

Ceres and Pallas, which differ from Vesta geologically, shed less debris. “Whatever they are made of doesn’t travel well,” said Christopher Russell, professor of geology at the University of California, Los Angeles.
Telescope observations by McCord in 1972 revealed that Vesta’s surface consists of a rock called basalt, which on Earth is made from cooled magma.
“The basalt would make it unique in that category of objects,” Spahr said.
“We think of it as a very large asteroid that is very Earthlike — called Vesta, the smallest terrestrial planet,” Russell said.
Astronomers believe that Earth and similar planets formed when a series of small bodies coalesced. “We think that these bodies were around in large numbers and came together to build planets,” Russell explained.
McCord added that the problem with Vesta is that “it didn’t find a companion to become a piece of a bigger object that would coalesce with other companions.” So it remained by itself, a kind of time capsule from an early era in our solar system.
Russell oversees the Dawn mission with McCord as a co-investigator. Dawn is scheduled to reach Vesta in July and spend a year in orbit, using an infrared spectrometer, a camera, and a gamma ray detector to explore Vesta’s composition.
The team expects to determine whether basalt uniformly covers Vesta’s surface and where on the surface meteorites originate. The mission will also probe a large crater in Vesta’s southern hemisphere that has exposed its interior.
“If it is really differentiated, we would see minerals at depths similar to what we see in the Earth’s mantle,” McCord said.
When it leaves Vesta, the Dawn mission will travel to Ceres, which is larger, rounder, and wetter than Vesta.
By studying the contrasts between the two objects, astronomers hope to obtain clues to the ways in which the evolved.
“We’re going to try to understand what the building blocks of the early solar system were like,” Russell said. “It’s really about tracing our family tree and understanding where we come from.”
Will the findings lead astronomers to reclassify Vesta? Probably not. At the same 2006 meeting where Pluto was demoted to minor planet status, was designated one of 269,644 minor planets.
“It was given minor planet number 4, and nobody has worried about [its classification] since,” Spahr said.

Provided by Inside Science News Service (news : web)

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Dave Scott's space suit on display at the NASM.  

Young Fault Scarps on the Moon

CEPS Contact: Dr. Tom Watters


Lobate Scarp - Thrust Fault Illustration
Smithsonian Institution Photo

The lobate scarps were formed when the lunar crust was pushed together as the Moon contracted. This causes the near-surface materials to break forming a thrust fault. The thrust fault carries crustal materials up and sometimes over adjacent crustal materials.

Gregory Scarp
Smithsonian Institution Photo

Over recent geologic time, as the lunar interior cooled and contracted the entire Moon shrank by about 100 meters (328 feet). As a result its brittle crust ruptured and thrust faults (compression) formed distinctive landforms known as lobate scarps. In a particularly dramatic example, a thrust fault pushed crustal materials (arrows) up the side of the farside impact crater named Gregory (2.1°N, 128.1°E). By mapping the distribution and determining the size of all lobate scarps, the tectonic and thermal history of the Moon can be reconstructed over the past billion years. Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University/Smithsonian
The most well known tectonic landforms on the Moon are found in and around the nearside mare basins. Wrinkle ridges, formed by contraction, and rilles or troughs, formed by extension, deform the mare basalt-filled impact basins and the adjacent highlands. The wrinkle ridges and extensional troughs are the result of loading from mare basalts that causes downward flexure of the lunar lithosphere, resulting in contraction in the interior of the basin and extension near the margins.

Tectonic landforms on the Moon not directly associated with the mare basins are lobate scarps. Lobate scarps look like stair-steps in the landscape; they are one-sided and often have lobate fronts. These landforms are the surface express of thrust faults. Thrust faults are a break in the near-surface materials formed when crustal materials are contracted or pushed together. Crustal material is thrust upward along the fault forming a scarp.

Lobate scarps were first found in the highest resolution images and photographs taken by the Lunar Orbiters and the Panoramic Cameras flow on the Apollo 15, 16, and 17 missions. Because these high resolution images and photographs covered only a small area of the surface confined mostly to the lunar equatorial zone, it was not known how widely distributed lobate scarps were on the Moon.

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, launch in June, 2009, is returning the highest resolution images of the Moon ever obtained from orbit. These images, taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) Narrow Angle Cameras (NACs), have a resolution of 0.5 to 2 meter per pixel. The new NAC images are being used to search for previously unknown lobate scarps.

Newly discovered lobate scarps are being found in the LROC images. Many of the previously undetected fault scarps are located at high lunar latitudes and some have been found near the lunar poles.1 Lunar scarps found well outside the equatorial zone indicate that they are globally distributed.

Global map of fault scarps
Smithsonian Institution Photo

A plot of the locations of newly detected and previously known lobate scarps shows that the faults are globally distributed. The newly discovered lobate scarps are shown by the white dots and the previously known scarps are shown by black dots. Most of the previously known lobate scarps were found in Apollo Panoramic Camera photographs that covered only part of the lunar equatorial region. The locations of the lobate scarps are plotted on the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) global topographic model of the Moon. Credit: NASA/GSFC/Arizona State University/Smithsonian

The most likely reason for the formation of the lobate scarps is global contraction caused by interior cooling. The loss of heat from the Moon’s interior results in contraction. Although the lobate scarps indicate contraction, the Moon has not contracted by much in the recent past. The total radial contraction or decrease in the Moon’s radius is estimated to be only about 100 meters.

The age of lobate scarps is also being investigated. Examining the crosscutting relations between the fault scarps and small diameter impact craters, their age is estimated to be no more than 1 billion year old. An even younger age for the scarps is suggested by the lack of superimposed, large-diameter impact craters. Also, the scarps are very pristine and undegraded. The young age of the fault scarps indicates that the Moon has contracted very recently.

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>O2 HUB >> Dying white dwarf stars could be fertile ground for other Earths


The best place to look for planets that can support life is around dim, dying stars called white dwarfs.
Eric Agol, a University of Washington associate professor of astronomy, suggests that potentially habitable planets orbiting white dwarfs could be much easier to find — if they exist — than other exoplanets located so far.
White dwarfs, cooling stars believed to be in the final stage of life, typically have about 60 percent of the mass of the Sun, but by volume they are only about the size of Earth. Though born hot, they eventually become cooler than the Sun and emit just a fraction of its energy, so the habitable zones for their planets are significantly closer than Earth is to the Sun.
“If a planet is close enough to the star, it could have a stable temperature long enough to have liquid water at the surface — if it has water at all — and that’s a big factor for habitability,” Agol said.
A planet so close to its star could be observed using an Earth-based telescope as small as 1 meter across, as the planet passes in front of, and dims the light from, the white dwarf, he said.
White dwarfs evolve from stars like the Sun. When such a star’s core can no longer produce nuclear reactions that convert hydrogen to helium, it starts burning hydrogen outside the core.
That begins the transformation to a red giant, with a greatly expanded outer atmosphere that typically envelops — and destroys — any planets as close as Earth.
Finally the star sheds its outer atmosphere, leaving the glowing, gradually cooling, core as a white dwarf, with a surface temperature around 5,000 degrees Celsius (about 9,000 degrees Fahrenheit). At that point, the star produces heat and light in the same way as a dying fireplace ember, though the star’s ember could last for 3 billion years.
Once the red giant sheds its outer atmosphere, more distant planets that were beyond the reach of that atmosphere could begin to migrate closer to the white dwarf, Agol said. New planets also possibly could form from a ring of debris left behind by the star’s transformation.
In either case, a planet would have to move very close to the white dwarf to be habitable, perhaps 500,000 to 2 million miles from the star. That’s less than 1 percent of the distance from Earth to the Sun (93 million miles) and substantially closer than Mercury is to the Sun.
“From the planet, the star would appear slightly larger than our Sun, because it is so close, and slightly more orange, but it would look very, very similar to our Sun,” Agol said.
The planet also would be tidally locked, so the same side would always face the star and the opposite side would always be in darkness. The likely areas for habitation, he said, might be toward the edges of the light zone, nearer the dark side of the planet.

The study has been published in  The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

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