>Guidelines for Effective Process Re-Engineering


The Guidelines for Process Reengineering summarize key ideas about process improvement and reengineering assorted from numerous books and articles…

Managing Change:

  • Build a solid case for change
  • Communicate the vision and case for change to all employees
  • Always focus on the needs of the customer or other significant stakeholders, work backwards from there in the design of the process
  • Try for win, win whenever possible to reduce resistance to change
  • Help people overcome their natural resistance to change
  • Expect resistance from middle managers or others who will personally lose if changes are made.
  • Help managers change to coaches were appropriate

Design of Jobs:

  • Build empowerment, decision authority into jobs at lowest levels possible
  • Make jobs holistic and meaningful
  • Strongly consider if one person can handle the whole customer interaction, if not a person, a team
  • Allow the worker to get natural feedback on the quality of their outputs
  • Remove unnecessary checking, reconciling, monitoring and tracking by others or management


  • If jobs are significantly re-designed as suggested above, select people who are self-disciplined and motivated to please the customer. Hire for attitude, train for skills.
  • Think carefully about the supervisory and management competencies needed by the new process.

Structural elements:

  • Focus on the process not function, watch out for artificial boundaries.
  • Responsibility for activities and resources of a function should reside in one organization, to establish a single point of accountability and increase efficiency.
  • Placement of an activity or set of activities should align with the overall organization’s mission and key functions.
  • If a step does not add value for the customer, does it really need to be done?
  • Strongly consider case teams, to focus attention on needs of customers
  • Reduce handoffs and complexity in the process
  • Minimize paperwork and just in case activities
  • Eliminate redundant or repeated activities
  • Help workers do it right the first time, reducing avoidable activities and rework.
  • How can we change the sequence of activities to improve the process?
  • Should some activities be done in parallel that are now serial?
  • How to avoid having to wait for another person or department to complete something before work can proceed?
  • Should we eliminate batching from a particular activity, because it causes system delays?
  • How are prioritization schemes of one organization impacting other parts of the organization and the overall process effectiveness and efficiency?
  • Are unavailable information or materials causing delays in the process?
  • Co-locate (same area, floor, building) people who need to work together regularly
  • Minimize layers of management
  • Can we allow the customer to self-interface with the system, putting in orders, checking on orders, etc.
  • To reduce time, plan around main sequence, do other items in another sequence
  • Should there be a few different paths through the systems, which allow smaller, less important items (etc.) to be handled differently?
  • Measure people, teams on results for their customers, since work is more holistic.
  • Tie pay to results achieved for customers.

Use of Technology:

  • Make the technology serve the needs of the business, business should drive usage.
  • Streamline the process before you computerize it.
  • Engage business partners in conversations about how you can exploit the power of the technology to create customer value or improve productivity, etc.?
  • Think through the full impact of the technology on the business, its people and organizational elements, before you make the final decision on the technology to use.
  • Can we use wireless communications, portable computers, the Internet, video disk or other communication mechanisms to allow people to speed connectiveness, taking time out of the
  • process. Can these systems improve efficiency of existing ways of connecting?
  • Are there simple tools we could use to make the process more effective and efficient that we are not currently using? (time stamps, faxes, pagers, etc.)

Information/Knowledge Management:

  • Encourage sharing of information through use of technology, structures like teams and co-location
  • Design jobs so that doing a very good job does not require unnecessary sharing of information and coordination
  • Can we use expert systems or knowledge sharing of some kind to enable non-experts to do more complex work effectively.
  • Document procedures so that we know why we do things and can train people how to do a task
  • Structure reports so that people at many levels can see if customer requirements are being met and the process is in control.
  • Train people to use reports effectively to control and improve the process


  • Make it very specific to the job, much more effort is required here than typically planned if major changes are occurring in the process.
  • Train people to exercise judgment, so they can be empowered. Provide decision criteria to help improve quality of empowered decisions.
  • What checklists do we need to help people do their job effectively?
  • Develop effective models or examples to help people understand key issues or handle difficult situations?
  • How effective are the online help menu’s? How can we make them more effective? Have we trained people to use these effectively and have confidence in them?
  • Educate people to understand the overall process, its impact on customers and how they impact the process and customer
  • Cross train people to handle more than one role, building robustness into the system

Guidelines compiled by:


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O2ibm Visit this Open Forum

>Guidelines for Effective Process Re-Engineering


The Guidelines for Process Reengineering summarize key ideas about process improvement and reengineering assorted from numerous books and articles…

Managing Change:

  • Build a solid case for change
  • Communicate the vision and case for change to all employees
  • Always focus on the needs of the customer or other significant stakeholders, work backwards from there in the design of the process
  • Try for win, win whenever possible to reduce resistance to change
  • Help people overcome their natural resistance to change
  • Expect resistance from middle managers or others who will personally lose if changes are made.
  • Help managers change to coaches were appropriate

Design of Jobs:

  • Build empowerment, decision authority into jobs at lowest levels possible
  • Make jobs holistic and meaningful
  • Strongly consider if one person can handle the whole customer interaction, if not a person, a team
  • Allow the worker to get natural feedback on the quality of their outputs
  • Remove unnecessary checking, reconciling, monitoring and tracking by others or management


  • If jobs are significantly re-designed as suggested above, select people who are self-disciplined and motivated to please the customer. Hire for attitude, train for skills.
  • Think carefully about the supervisory and management competencies needed by the new process.

Structural elements:

  • Focus on the process not function, watch out for artificial boundaries.
  • Responsibility for activities and resources of a function should reside in one organization, to establish a single point of accountability and increase efficiency.
  • Placement of an activity or set of activities should align with the overall organization’s mission and key functions.
  • If a step does not add value for the customer, does it really need to be done?
  • Strongly consider case teams, to focus attention on needs of customers
  • Reduce handoffs and complexity in the process
  • Minimize paperwork and just in case activities
  • Eliminate redundant or repeated activities
  • Help workers do it right the first time, reducing avoidable activities and rework.
  • How can we change the sequence of activities to improve the process?
  • Should some activities be done in parallel that are now serial?
  • How to avoid having to wait for another person or department to complete something before work can proceed?
  • Should we eliminate batching from a particular activity, because it causes system delays?
  • How are prioritization schemes of one organization impacting other parts of the organization and the overall process effectiveness and efficiency?
  • Are unavailable information or materials causing delays in the process?
  • Co-locate (same area, floor, building) people who need to work together regularly
  • Minimize layers of management
  • Can we allow the customer to self-interface with the system, putting in orders, checking on orders, etc.
  • To reduce time, plan around main sequence, do other items in another sequence
  • Should there be a few different paths through the systems, which allow smaller, less important items (etc.) to be handled differently?
  • Measure people, teams on results for their customers, since work is more holistic.
  • Tie pay to results achieved for customers.

Use of Technology:

  • Make the technology serve the needs of the business, business should drive usage.
  • Streamline the process before you computerize it.
  • Engage business partners in conversations about how you can exploit the power of the technology to create customer value or improve productivity, etc.?
  • Think through the full impact of the technology on the business, its people and organizational elements, before you make the final decision on the technology to use.
  • Can we use wireless communications, portable computers, the Internet, video disk or other communication mechanisms to allow people to speed connectiveness, taking time out of the
  • process. Can these systems improve efficiency of existing ways of connecting?
  • Are there simple tools we could use to make the process more effective and efficient that we are not currently using? (time stamps, faxes, pagers, etc.)

Information/Knowledge Management:

  • Encourage sharing of information through use of technology, structures like teams and co-location
  • Design jobs so that doing a very good job does not require unnecessary sharing of information and coordination
  • Can we use expert systems or knowledge sharing of some kind to enable non-experts to do more complex work effectively.
  • Document procedures so that we know why we do things and can train people how to do a task
  • Structure reports so that people at many levels can see if customer requirements are being met and the process is in control.
  • Train people to use reports effectively to control and improve the process


  • Make it very specific to the job, much more effort is required here than typically planned if major changes are occurring in the process.
  • Train people to exercise judgment, so they can be empowered. Provide decision criteria to help improve quality of empowered decisions.
  • What checklists do we need to help people do their job effectively?
  • Develop effective models or examples to help people understand key issues or handle difficult situations?
  • How effective are the online help menu’s? How can we make them more effective? Have we trained people to use these effectively and have confidence in them?
  • Educate people to understand the overall process, its impact on customers and how they impact the process and customer
  • Cross train people to handle more than one role, building robustness into the system

Guidelines compiled by:


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