
Big Bang simulated in metamaterial shows time travel is impossible

by Lisa Zyga

   report Big Bang model

In the toy Big Bang model, light rays spread out as a function of time, similar to the expansion of spacetime in a diagram of the real Big Bang. Image credit: Smolyaninov and Hung.
(PhysOrg.com) — By observing the way that light moves inside a metamaterial, researchers have reconstructed how spacetime has expanded since the Big Bang. The results provide a better understanding of why time moves in only one direction, and also suggest that time travel is impossible.

In their study, electrical engineers Igor Smolyaninov and Yu-Ju Hung from the University of Maryland have built a metamaterial by patterning plastic strips on a gold substrate, which they then illuminated with a laser. Because the of electromagnetic spaces (which describe the metamaterial) is similar to the mathematics of (which describe spacetime), the way light moves in the metamaterial is exactly analogous to the path – or “world line” – of a massive particle in (2+1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime.
As the researchers explained in their study, a Big Bang event occurs in the metamaterial when the pattern of light rays expands relative to the time-like z-dimension. This instance marks the beginning of cosmological time, which moves forward from the Big Bang in the direction of the Universe’s expansion. After the Big Bang event, the light rays expand in a non-perfect way, scattered by random defects in the plastic strips until they reach a high-entropy state. This behavior represents the thermodynamic arrow of time, showing that entropy tends to increase in an isolated system.
The significance of these observations is that the cosmological and the thermodynamic arrows of time coincide, with both of them pointing “forward” (just as we perceive them). While most scientists theorize that the statistical and the cosmological arrows of time are connected in this way, this experiment is one of the few ways in which scientists can “replay the ” and experimentally demonstrate the connection.
The researchers also showed that this novel model of time could provide insight into that involves closed timelike curves (CTCs). CTCs are world lines of particles that form circles so that they return to their starting points.
At first, the researchers thought that, if they could build a metamaterial in which light could move in a circle (and so that its mathematical description were identical to particles moving through spacetime), then they could create CTCs.
But when further analyzing the situation, they found restrictions on how light rays could move in the model. Although certain rays could return to their starting points, they would not perceive the correct timelike dimension. In contrast, rays that do perceive this timelike dimension cannot move in circles. The researchers concluded that Nature seems to resist the creation of CTCs, and that time travel – at least in this model – is impossible.

More information: Igor I. Smolyaninov and Yu-Ju Hung. “Modeling of Time with Metamaterials.” arXiv:1104.0561v1 [physics.optics]

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>O2 SCIENCE > Why Trees retaliate when fig wasps don’t service them?


Pollen sticking to a bee. Insects involuntaril...
wasp on fig

Copyright Christian Ziegler, http://www.naturphoto.de
A female fig wasp (Tetrapus americanus) is about to enter a flowering fig (Ficus maxima).
wasp on fig

Copyright Christian Ziegler, http://www.naturphoto.de
Once inside, the fig wasp will pollinate and lay her eggs in the flowers that line the inside of the fig.

Figs and fig wasps have evolved to help each other out: Fig wasps lay their eggs inside the fruit where the wasp larvae can safely develop, and in return, the wasps pollinate the figs.
But what happens when a wasp lays its eggs but fails to pollinate the fig?
The trees get even by dropping those figs to the ground, killing the baby wasps inside, reports a Cornell and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences

The findings suggest that when one species in a mutually beneficial relationship fails to hold up its end of the bargain, sanctions may be a necessary part of maintaining the relationship.
“We want to know what forces maintain this 80 million-year-old mutualism between figs and their wasp pollinators,” said lead author Charlotte Jandér, a Cornell graduate student in neurobiology and behavior, who conducted the study as a Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute predoctoral fellow. Edward Allen Herre, a staff scientist at the Smithsonian institute in Panama, co-authored the paper.
“What prevents the wasps from cheating and reaping the benefits of the relationship without paying the costs?” Jandér added.
More than 700 species each of fig trees and wasps have co-evolved in the tropics worldwide, with each fig tree species having its own species of pollinating wasp. Jandér worked on six fig tree-fig wasp pairs for the study. Some wasp species passively carry pollen that sticks to their bodies, while others actively collect pollen in special pouches.
The researchers found that in passively pollinated pairings, the tree almost never aborted its fruit, and the wasp always carried pollen. However, the researchers found that in actively pollinated pairings, where the wasp needs to expend energy to collect pollen, the tree dumped the fruit and killed the offspring when the wasps did not carry pollen.
The researchers also found that among the actively pollinated fig species, pollen-free wasps were much more common when the trees had weak sanctions.
“Sanctions seem to be a necessary force in keeping this and other mutually beneficial relationships on track when being part of a mutualism is costly,” said Jandér. “In our study, we saw less cheating when sanctions were stronger. Similar results have been found among human societies and social insects. It is very appealing to think that the same general principles could help maintain cooperation both within and among species.”
The study was supported by the Cornell Graduate School and Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute.

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>O2 VISIONS >> New way to create true-color 3-D holograms


Researchers discover way to create true-color 3-D holograms Researchers discover way to create true-color 3-D holograms

  by Bob Yirka


A view of a 3-dimensional green crane reconstructed by white-light illumination. 
Credit: Image © Science/AAAS
(PhysOrg.com) — Satoshi Kawata

Miyu Ozaki and their team of photonics physicists at Osaka University in Japan, have figured out a way to capture the original colors of an object in a still 3-D hologram by using plasmons (quantums of plasma oscillation) that are created when a silver sheathed material is bathed in simple white light. The discovery marks a new milestone in the development of true 3-D full color holograms. In their paper, published in Science magazine, the researchers show a rendered apple in all its natural red and green hues…

Holograms, of course, have been around for years, with the first images created in the 60’s. Back then the technique was to fire a laser at an object and then record the patterns of interference in the light waves onto a photo sensitive material. Later, rainbow type holograms (such as those used on credit cards) were, and still are, created by using a technique whereby white light is reflected off a silver backing through a plastic film that contains several different images of a single object.

Researchers discover way to create true-color 3-D holograms

Image (c) Science/AAAS

The team at Osaka took another approach, they use both lasers and white light. They first fire a laser at an object, say an apple, to create an interference pattern, but instead of just one laser color, they actually use three; red, green and blue. The interference pattern is then captured on a light sensitive material which is coated with silver (because it contains electrons that are easily excited by white light) and silicon dioxide (to help steer the waves). They then shine a steady on the metal sheathed material exciting the free electrons, causing the creation of surface plasmons, which results in the regeneration of the captured image as a true-color 3-D ; one that can be viewed from almost any angle and is the same colors as the original object.
Currently, the technique has only been shown to work on still images, and the results displayed on a very small surface area (about as big as a baseball card), but the results of research is nonetheless a very big step towards creating not just more realistic holograms, but true animated 3-D technology.

More information: “Surface-Plasmon Holography with White-Light Illumination,” by M. Ozaki et al., Science 8 April 2011: Vol. 332 no. 6026 pp. 218-220. DOI: 10.1126/science.1201045
© 2010 PhysOrg.com

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>O2 VISIONS >> The Milky Way as you’ve never seen it before!!!


Digital fusion: Amateur astronomer Juan Carlos Casado stitched together this extraordinary shot from nine photos of the night sky 

Digital fusion: Amateur astronomer Juan Carlos Casado stitched together this extraordinary shot from nine photos of the night sky

The Milky Way as you’ve never seen it before: Incredible 360-degree panorama reveals the majesty of our galaxy

  Daily Mail

This breathtaking composite image shows just how huge the Milky Way really is.
Amateur astronomer Juan Carlos Casado stitched together this extraordinary shot from nine photos of the night sky.
All were taken in a national park in the Canary Islands away from light pollution, resulting in images of astounding clarity.

Viewed as one digitally-fused image, as they are here, and the result is a 360-degree panorama.
The faint band of light that stretches across the sky is the disc of our spiral galaxy. It appears to encircle Earth – this is because we are inside the disc.

Also visible is Tenerife‘s Teide Volcano near the centre of the image, behind a volcanic landscape that includes many huge boulders.

But far behind these Earthly structures are many sky wonders that are invisible to the unaided eye, such as the bright waxing moon inside the arch.
Also visible are the Pleiades open star cluster and Barnard’s Loop, which can be seen as the half red ring below the Milky Way band.
The stars that the human eye can distinguish in the night sky are relatively near and are all part of the Milky Way.
Our galaxy contains between 100billion and 400billion stars, as well as an estimated 50 billion planets.

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>O2 HUB >>>Why Men and women look more alike than ever before?


Come together: Researchers looked at skulls of men and women dating back to the 16th century and found that over time they have grown alike 

Men and women look more alike than ever before, scientists claim

By Daniel Bates

  • Women’s facial structure has become noticeably larger

They say that men are from Mars and women are from Venus.

But when it comes to their faces at least, the two sexes are more similar than you might think.
Researchers looked at skulls of men and women dating back to the 16th century and found that over time they have grown alike.
The facial structure of women in particular has changed and become noticeably larger than their older counterparts.
Come together: Researchers looked at skulls of men and women dating back to the 16th century and found that over time they have grown alike
Experts said it was not to do with women evolving to look more like their men, but that better diet and environmental factors had caused the changes.
They examined more than 200 skulls dating between the 16th and 20th centuries from Spain and around 50 skulls from 20th century Portugal to come to their conclusions.
Having such a wide spread of samples was important to the team from North Carolina State University as it showed them how the changes happened over a long period of time.
They found that not only were men and women more alike, but that the Spanish and Portuguese sample were alike too, suggesting that standards developed for one country could be applied for both.

‘Applying 20th century standards to historical remains could be misleading, since sex differences can change over time’

The team focused in on the differences between men and women because it could ‘help us establish the sex of the remains based on their craniofacial features,’ said lead researcher Dr Ann Ross from the North Carolina university department of anthropology.
‘Improving our understanding of the craniofacial features of regional groups can help us learn more from skeletal remains, or even help us identify an individual based on his or her remains,’ she said.
Being able to carry this out is particularly important when an incomplete skeleton is found, she added.
‘This has applications for characterising older remains. Applying 20th century standards to historical remains could be misleading, since sex differences can change over time – as we showed in this study.’
In addition to academic use, the research could be useful in criminal investigations as investigators will be able to tell a man from a woman more easily.
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>O2 HUB >>> So that’s why dinosaurs were so bad-tempered?


Itching for a fight: Could lice have made dinosaurs more aggressive?



So that’s why dinosaurs were bad-tempered… scientists reveal they were plagued by lice

By David Derbyshire

  • Study of insect DNA shows that lice evolved more than 65million years ago

No wonder dinosaurs were so bad-tempered. For scientists have discovered that the prehistoric giants were plagued by lice.
A new study of insect DNA has shown that lice evolved more than 65million years ago, at a time when dinosaurs still ruled the Earth.
The research also suggests that mammals and birds began to diversify into the vast range of different species seen today far earlier in prehistory than was previously thought.

Enlarge   A 44million-year-old louse fossil (left) and a modern version of the parasite (right) that infests aquatic birds. Scientists believe lice may have fed off the blood of feathered dinosaurs

A 44million-year-old louse fossil (left) and a modern version of the parasite (right) that infests aquatic birds. Scientists believe lice may have fed off the blood of feathered dinosaurs

Dr Kevin Johnson, of the University of Illinois, said: ‘Our analysis suggests that both bird and mammal lice began to diversify before the mass extinction of dinosaurs.
‘And given how widespread lice are on birds, in particular, and also to some extent on mammals, they probably existed on a wide variety of hosts in the past, possibly including dinosaurs.’
The researchers created an evolutionary family tree for lice using DNA from 69 different lineages.

Because changes in DNA accumulate over the millennia, the changes can also be used to create a time-line of the evolution of a related group of animals.

Dr Vincent Smith, a co-author of the study published in Biology Letters who works at the Natural History Museum, London, said: ‘Lice are like living fossils.
‘The record of our past is written in these parasites, and by reconstructing their evolutionary history we can use lice as markers to investigate the evolutionary history of their hosts.’
It was once thought that there were relatively few different species of birds and mammals while the dinosaurs were alive.

Itching for a fight: Could lice have made dinosaurs more aggressive?

It was only after the giant reptiles died out 65 million years ago that birds and mammals went through a period of rapid diversification – filling the niches in the seas, air and land left by the dinosaurs.
The new study suggests birds and mammals had begun to diversify long before the dinosaurs went extinct.
‘Ducks do different things from owls, which do different things from parrots, for example,’ said Dr Johnson.
‘I was thought that after the dinosaurs went extinct that’s when these birds or mammals diversified into these different niches.
‘But based on the evidence from lice, the radiation of birds and mammals was already under way before the dinosaurs went extinct.’
Many scientists believe that birds are the descendants of feathered dinosaurs.
Dr Johnson added: ‘So maybe birds just inherited their lice from dinosaurs.’

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>O2 HUB >>> Weird & Wild – What’s in an animal’s scientific name?


What’s in an animal’s scientific name?

 Tributes to dead presidents, professions of love, and sometimes even adolescent humor.
I got to thinking about taxonomy—or how scientists name new species—after reading that a species of rugged darkling beetle, Stenomorpha roosevelti, had been named after President Theodore Roosevelt. (Not that “rugged darkling” isn’t cool enough in itself.)
The taxonomic system, developed by 18th-century Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus, breaks down organisms into seven major divisions called taxa, from kingdom to species. Every identified species on Earth also has a scientific name with two parts, which is called “binomial nomenclature.” (Read more about Linnaeus, the “name giver,” in National Geographic magazine.)
The new beetle’s name honors both Roosevelt’s dedication to conservation and the hundredth anniversary of a speech he gave in Tempe, Arizona, according to Arizona State University, whose scientists participated in the discovery.
Speaking of beetle honorifics, a new leaf beetle was recently named Arsipoda geographica, in recognition for the sponsorship of the National Geographic Society, society grantee Jesús Gómez-Zurita wrote this month on NewsWatch.

A new species of beaked toad nicknamed the Mr. Burns toad. Photograph courtesy Robin Moore, ILCP

Other scientists dub new species out of gratitude. Fedex, for instance, is lucky enough to be forever linked to a 300-million-year-old amphibian with bone-ripping tusks. Scientists named Fedexia strieglei as a gesture of thanks to the FedEx shipping company, which owns the land where the fossils were found, study co-author Dave Berman of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh told me in March 2010.
Likewise, the chocolate company Cadbury got a sweet nod in Kryoryctes cadburyi, a cat-size, quill-covered, dinosaur-era mammal named by paleontologists who subsisted mostly on their chocolate during a dig.
Pop culture can also provide nomenclative inspiration. Take Calumma tarzan, found recently in a tiny patch of forest—also called the Tarzan Forest—on the vast Indian Ocean island of Madagascar.  Study leader Philip-Sebastian Gehring, an evolutionary biologist at the Technical University of Braunschweig, thought the name might promote conservation of the reptile—after all, “Tarzan stands for a jungle hero and fighting for protecting the forest,” he said in 2010.
In western Colombia in 2010, scientists happened upon a new beaked toad that was nicknamed the Mr. Burns toad. The new species has a “long, pointy, snoutlike nose [that] reminds me of the nefarious villain Mr. Burns from The Simpsons television series,” Conservation International expedition leader Robin Moore said in a statement in November.
Dinosaurs in particular are often bestowed with fierce monikers, like Bistahieversor sealeyi, the 29-foot-long (9-meter-long) dinosaur that once reigned over the Wild West. Eversor means “destroyer” in Latin.
Brontomerus mcintoshi—”thunder thighs” in Greek—was a powerful plant-eater that used its superstrong thighs to kick and flail predators, I reported in February.
Also, everyone knows love can make you do crazy things—like name a strange, fleshy-lipped fish after your significant other.
Marine biologist Nicola King of the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, named the Antarctic critter Pachycara cousinsi after her fiance, geophysicist Michael Cousins.
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” King said in 2008.
But hands-down my favorite scientific name, at least for now, is Phallus drewesiia suggestively shaped mushroom named, with permission, for a distinguished herpetologist with an sense of humor—Robert Drewes of the California Academy of Sciences.

Phallus drewesii, a two-inch-long (five-centimeter-long) species of stinkhorn fungus.
Phallus drewesii, a new species of stinkhorn fungus (read more). Photograph courtesy Brian A. Perry, University of Hawaii
Brendan Borrell, in his 2009 Scientific American blog post about P. drewesii‘s discovery, said it best: “Herpetologist Robert Drewes will forever be remembered for his two-inch Phallus.”
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>O2 VISIONS >>> Robot-Human Convergence is happening (video)


They are increasingly made in our image; yet their core technologies are changing us into entities more like them. They will “take care” of us; one way or the other…


Credit: Thomas Lucas, Producer / Rob Goldberg, Writer

>O2 VISIONS >>> Science seeks and destroys Cancer Cells (video)


My father has become a foot soldier in the war...

Fighting the war on cancer at the nano-level, researchers hope to dramatically change how cancer is being treated. They are trying to create nanoparticles that travel the bloodstream, latch onto cancers in their earliest stages and destroy them.

Credit: Science Nation – NSF

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>O2 HUB >> Neuroscientists reveal magicians’ secrets


Image: Hering illusion



In this so-called Hering illusion, the straight lines near the central point (vanishing point) appear to curve outward. This illusion occurs because our brains are predicting the way the underlying scene would look in the next moment if we were moving toward the middle point.
By Wynne Parry

Neuroscientists reveal magicians’ secrets

Our brains are wired to create seemingly impossible illusions

There is a place for magic in science. Five years ago, on a trip to Las Vegas, neuroscientists Stephen Macknik and Susana Martinez-Conde realized that a partnership was in order with a profession that has an older and more intuitive understanding of how the human brain works. Magicians, it seems, have an advantage over neuroscientists.

“Scientists have only studied cognitive illusions for a few decades. Magicians have studied them for hundreds, if not thousands, of years,” Martinez-Conde told the audience during a recent presentation …

at the New York Academy of Sciences. [ Video: Your Brain on Magic ]
She and Macknik, her husband, use illusions as a tool to study how the brain works. Illusions are revealing, because they separate perception from reality. Magicians take advantage of how our nervous systems — our eyes, sense of touch, minds and so on — are wired to create seemingly impossible illusions.
After their epiphany in Las Vegas, where they were preparing for a conference on consciousness, the duo, who both direct laboratories at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Arizona, teamed up with magicians to learn just how they harness the foibles of our brains. Their discoveries are detailed in their new book, “Sleight of Mind: What the Neuroscience of Magic Reveals about Our Everyday Deceptions” (Henry Holt and Company, 2010).
The psychological concepts behind illusions are generally better understood, but they treat the brain as something of a black box, without the insight into brain activity or anatomy that neuroscience can offer, they write.
Tricks from neuroscience Individual tricks may take advantage of any number of neurological phenomena, like our neurons’ energy-saving practice of adapting to a stimulus to create the illusion that something, which a magician may have furtively moved, is still in place. Magicians may exploit our visual system’s dependence on contrast to make objects appear to disappear or appear out of nowhere. Or they may divert our attention. Magicians don’t limit themselves to one method at a time, and often, play multiple techniques off one another, Martinez-Conde said.

“We are beginning to suspect the way this works in the brain is [that] the total is more than the sum of the parts,” she said.

In particular, magicians are masterful manipulators of attention, which can be misdirected overtly, by directing the audience to look away from the location where the trick actually occurs, or covertly, by a more subtle manipulation. Cognitive scientists have also discovered means of sneaky misdirection. In a short video clip, a researcher, posing as a student on a college campus, asks a professor for directions. While the two are talking, others carrying a door walk between them, the first lost student is replaced by a second lost student, and the professor continues talking to the new person without realizing the switch.
This is the result of change blindness, Martinez-Conde explained. As long as the person who was replaced fit into the same category — both appeared to be students — it was unlikely the professor would have noticed the switch that took place during the brief interruption, she said.
Paying attention to one thing means the brain must shut out other information, also a phenomenon ripe for exploitation. In fact, a neuron activated by a stimulus will inhibit its neighbors, preventing them from sending signals related to other stimuli; this phenomenon is called lateral inhibition, Macknik said.

The Standing Wave As a graduate student, Macknik took on the role of a magician, though he didn’t think of it that way at the time, when he discovered an illusion called the Standing Wave. [ See it here ]
It is composed of a three flickering bars: A target bar is surrounded by two other bars, one on either side. As the three bars move closer together, the target bar becomes invisible, at least to the conscious brain.
The retina, however, continues to perceive all three. This happens because of lateral inhibtion: Neurons responding to the two outer bars suppress the signal for the target bar, effectively erasing the image of the target from the brain of the spectator. 
“You don’t see it because the information doesn’t make it to the parts of your brain that are conscious,” he said in an earlier interview. “This is very similar in many ways to what magicians do with misdirection.”
Only 0.1 percent of the human retina offers high-resolution vision — with about half the primate brain dedicated to processing visual information anything more would create a cumbersomely large brain — and we turn this spotlight on whatever we’re focused on at the moment, according to Macknik. As the Standing Wave demonstrates, our attention spotlight allows us to be deceived.

Attention is crucial 

Magicians’ eyes can also be deceitful. Since humans are social individuals, and our eyes are drawn to follow others’ gazes, a phenomenon known as joint attention. A magician can use joint attention to his or her advantage by looking up from a trick to meet a spectator’s gaze, and so taking the spectators attention off the trick itself temporarily, Macknik said. (Macknik notes we can separate the focus of our attention from our gaze, an ability that allows us to deceive others into misinterpreting the focus of our attention.)
There are many ways magicians misdirect attention. A dove released from a hat is a distraction we can’t ignore, or magicians can deceive our sense of time by separating the method from the magical effect, or they can use social cues and even comedy.
“One of the things magicians discovered before neuroscientists did is that humor suppresses attention,” he told the audience. “None of you will be surprised by this… but try to find something in the neuroscience literature that says humor suppresses attention.”
A magician has three basic techniques: optical, mechanical and psychological, according to David Kaye, a children’s magician who performs as “Silly Billy,” and who attended the presentation.

“I think that a lot of the joy of being a magician is understanding what’s going on in the brain, at least for me,” he said. But Kaye noted that magicians usually stop at the psychological level, while Martinez-Conde and Macknik went deeper, into the wiring of the brain.
“It’s always interesting to learn more about why this works,” he said.

by Mark Changizi, RPI

 You can follow LiveScience writer Wynne Parry on Twitter @Wynne_Parry.
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