>AMP GOLD >> Precious Metals Shine >> U.S. Dollar Just Slumps


by  Jeb Handwerger

It is the best of times for equities and precious metals and the worst of times for the U.S. dollar (UUP). It is prudent to focus on the sectors with long secular uptrends as these patterns tend to last longer than expected and produce the greatest returns. Gold (GLD) and Silver (SLV) are in a decade long uptrend as geopolitical uncertainty and rising debt levels have caused many investors to seek the safe haven shelter of real money.
In July 2010, as the European Crisis was the prominent topic of worry, gold reversed higher and made a major move on central bank plans to ease. This continued through October and November, when the precious metal trade was very overbought. For the past six months, gold has consolidated as the dollar took a respite before hitting new lows. A breakout in precious metals and continued weakness in the US dollar to all time lows could radically impact our investments and lifestyles. In late January, my buy signal was activated when gold reached its 2-year trend support. During this time we saw precious metals reach very oversold levels. Even the strongest trends need time to pause. For six months gold bears have put up resistance. But it may end soon and this breakout may be powerful. Gold may follow silver higher and start making parabolic moves.
Now we have a six month rectangle where gold has vacillated between the $1300 to $1450 area. The battle is raging between buyers and sellers. Gold bears are not allowing it to break above the $1450 area yet and we may see a further shakeout before the next major high volume breakout, as there are a lot of shorts. I would add on pullbacks, especially as odds are on the bulls’ side for a major breakout. These long pauses in the uptrend usually result in major moves to the upside rather than bearish tops, which usually end in parabolic moves. Don’t fight the odds, don’t fight an uptrend, and look for a breakout above $1450, which will bring us closer to my late January target of $1600.
Many Fed members are trying to support the gold bears by talking about exit strategies as the US dollar reaches record lows. These news items with central bankers should be bullish for the dollar, yet it is having difficulty sustaining any counter trend rallies. Most moves up in the dollar have been short lived and new record lows are being breached. Investors are realizing the record deficits and obligations will force the central bank to keep interest rates low and devalue the US dollar, so they can pay back their debts with a devalued currency.
I will continually monitor whether or not this breakout from the box in gold is authentic. Volume needs to come in and we should see gold’s ability to hold new highs. I firmly believe that precious metals will continue their uptrend and the shorts will have to be stopped out once we significantly break through resistance. It is normal to see short term profit taking at new record highs. Most box patterns like this are continuation patterns, meaning that this consolidation will only be a pause. If gold closes 3% higher than $1440 we could see a major short covering for precious metal bears. The US dollar (UUP) is having a series of declining highs (Bearish), while gold makes higher lows (Bullish).
Gold (GLD) made a triple top breakout on the point and figure chart breaking above $140. Since the long term trend has stayed intact and since we have had a significant correction in January where gold reached long term support, there is nothing technically that should make one believe this is a major top or a bull trap. Although there may be a slight chance of that, the odds are in the bulls favor as trends tend to continue longer than expected. Pullbacks in precious metals should be times to add. For three weeks gold has consolidated at new highs forming a bullish three weeks tight formation. I am carefully monitoring looking for a high volume breakout.

About the author: Jeb Handwerger
Jeb Handwerger picture
Gold Stock Trades Editor Jeb Handwerger is a highly sought-after stock analyst syndicated internationally and known throughout the financial industry for his accurate and timely analysis of the equities markets, particularly the precious metals sector. Subscribe to his FREE Newsletter right now… More

>AMP GOLD >> Gold and Silver Survey Most Revealing – April 2011


Ian Campbell | Fri, Apr 1, 2011

By Ian Campbell with Lorimer Wilson

The latest quarterly survey of subscribers to StockResearchPortal.com – a site providing stock market data, analysis and research on over 1,600 mining and energy related companies listed on the Toronto and Venture stock exchanges – as to their expectations for the price of gold and silver over the course of 2011, the extent to which they currently owned physical gold and physical silver, and what their intentions were with respect to holding, buying more, or selling part or all of their holdings, has generated some very interesting and revealing data. Let me explain our findings in detail…

Vast Majority of Respondents Bullish on Future Gold and Silver Price Trends

With respect to gold and silver price trends for the balance of 2011, 84% of the 181 respondents said they thought gold price would trend higher and 89% said they thought that silver would trend higher.

Majority of Respondents Were 60+

Surprisingly, as the chart below shows, 60% of the respondents were 60 years of age or older while only 9% were 45 or younger. Ten years ago it would not have been surprising to see those numbers reversed which says a great deal about these respondents’ insights regarding the economic times we live in. Think about that in the context of the following questions asked as to whether respondents owned physical gold or physical silver, and what their current strategy was with respect to holding, buying more, or selling part or all of their holdings.

Majority of Respondents Own Physical Gold and/or Silver

55% of the 181 respondents said they currently own physical gold (directly or indirectly) with 40% saying they would be buying even more. 43% said they would continue to hold the gold they owned regardless of short-term fluctuations.
Regarding silver, 60% of the respondents said they owned it directly or indirectly with 57% saying they had plans to purchase more and only 32% indicating that they might sell their holdings in the future.
23% of respondents who said they didn’t currently own gold said they were considering purchasing some while 17% were undecided. 34% of those who didn’t currently own physical silver said they were considering purchasing some while 18% were undecided.
2% of respondents said their current strategy included selling all or part of their physical gold holding and 3% had plans to sell all or part of their silver holdings.
Interestingly, 48% of respondents said they thought the silver market is illegally manipulated, 18% said they didn’t think it was, and 33% had no opinion. This is obviously a contentious issue, and one I will be ‘going out a limb’ and addressing in the near future.
[Editor’s Note: As to just how high gold will go in 2011, a survey conducted earlier this year by Mineweb.com (over 100 respondents) concluded that gold should end 2011 at $1675 which would represent an 18% increase over the 2010 year-end price compared to 30% in 2009 and 24% in 2008.]
(In the next quarterly survey which will be undertaken at the end of June, the question as to what % of their investable assets respondents hold in physical gold and physical silver will also be included.)


Clearly the preponderance of opinion is on the side of an upward trend price in both gold and silver over the next nine months.

Ian Campbell

Author: Ian Campbell

Ian R. Campbell, FCA, FCBV

Ian R. Campbell, FCA, FCBV, is a recognized Canadian business valuation authority who shares his perspective about the economy, mining and the oil & gas industry on each trading day. Ian is also the founder of Stock Research Portal, which provides free stock market data, analysis and research on over 1,600 Mining and Oil & Gas Companies listed on the Toronto and Venture Exchanges. Ian can be contacted at icampbell@srddi.com
For more on the Stock Research Portal’s offerings please go here and here.
Copyright © 2011 stockresearchportal.com

>When Gold Becomes Money Again?


Addison Wiggin for The Daily Reckoning

On the night our documentary I.O.U.S.A. made its nationwide premiere in August 2008, the film was followed up by a live panel discussion, broadcast via satellite. Our friend David Walker, the former US comptroller general and “star” of the film, took part…along with several other luminaries.
At one point, the question was asked: Might America’s trading partners one day sell off their US Treasury holdings?
Impossible, said Warren Buffett. In fact, he insisted, they couldn’t…because they’d need to convert it into some other currency, which would be little better than the dollar. No one else chimed in to challenge the assertion.

“Buffett’s answer assumes that there is no alternative,” author, friend and local Baltimore resident Bill Baker writes in his 2009 book Endless Money: The Moral Hazards of Socialism, “because for generations, all the world’s currencies have been backed only by the promise that governments would accept them in payment of taxes.
“But that ignores a currency that has been used effectively by man for thousands of years: gold. China and other countries might exchange their US dollars for it now.”
Indeed, China is quietly building its gold reserves. They totaled 600 metric tons in 2004. Then in April 2009 came an announcement they’d grown to 1,054 metric tons. And the buzz from Beijing is that the central bankers want to grow that stash another tenfold.
Meanwhile, China has trimmed its US Treasury holdings for three months in a row. The January total was $1.15 trillion – down 1.75% from October.
These are the first steps toward what Baker sees as the “remonetization” of gold – coming soon to a country near you.
History is a pendulum.
“Once gold and silver had been written into the Constitution,” Baker says, “no one might have thought that it would be replaced by paper within 60 years.” But the pendulum swung, the Union issuing its infamous greenbacks during the Civil War.
Then the pendulum swung back, the greenbacks’ critics were “able to successfully push for an agenda of gold resumption. But before the London Economic Conference of 1933, the world would be shocked by Roosevelt’s rejection of the gold standard.” The pendulum swung again.
Now, “a series of crises such as was the case in Rome might ultimately bring the pendulum back toward gold,” Baker writes.
In other words, we’re approaching the end of the Great Dollar Standard we wrote about in The Demise of the Dollar. The only world anyone below the age of 40 has ever known – in which all the world’s currencies float freely against each other – is nearly over.
And Baker is investing accordingly.
In late 2010, he began accumulating shares of a tiny gold miner called Orezone. “Our cost basis is 78 cents, and now it’s $3.61,” Baker tells us on a wintry afternoon in his office on the outskirts of Baltimore. “I’ve sold off two-thirds of the shares that I own, and it’s still one of our largest positions. I can’t keep it down!”
It’s a good problem to have. And Baker has it because he’s willing to go further afield than your typical money manager…as far afield as Burkina Faso.
We’ll pause here to place it on a map, so you can get your bearings. (If you were a geography geek growing up, you might remember it as Upper Volta.)
“I read these other quarterlies from these hedge fund managers,” Baker tells us, surrounded by family pictures, CDs of composers like Brahms and rafts of company research. “They’ll get really absorbed in the macroeconomic picture, but they don’t really know what they’re doing, so they just buy GLD [the gold ETF].
“Or they’ll hire two all-star Canadian analysts. Then I look at what they own, and they own Gabriel Resources because John Paulson owns it. It’s safe. Or they bought some big South African company because it’s cheap based on reserves in the ground when they ran it through their stock screener.
“They don’t have a coherent philosophy about really kicking the tires and really finding these companies that people don’t know about.”
Baker does. His firm, Gaineswood Investment Management, has taken sizeable positions in tiny gold miners working well off the beaten paths of the Americas, Australia and South Africa.
Burkina Faso is smack in the middle of a geological formation called the Birimian Trend…the richest source of growth for gold miners in recent years.
Even better is how many miners in West Africa have consolidated their holdings. “In Canada, you might have a district filled up with 12 companies. One company might have each block, or half a block. But in West Africa, these guys own all of it. They’ve got a lot of time, a lot of land, and now they’ve raised a lot more money, so they can keep going after it…and we’ll keep getting these upside surprises.
“That’s our philosophy, to find opportunity where, for example, this one outfit has found 1.2 million ounces of gold. But with all the new discoveries they’re making, they’ll probably come out and say we have 2, 2.5, and next year they’ll say, well, we have 3, 3.5, 4… and it isn’t over yet, because of this whole giant region that’s been unexplored.”
Before we go any further, we’d better make something clear: Bill Baker isn’t your typical gold bug. Nor is he your typical stock market bear.
“The timing or eventuality of financial calamity is unable to be forecast,” Baker writes in Endless Money. “At best, it might be like a hurricane warning: The tempest may strike here, it may hit there, it may be downgraded to a tropical storm or it may go elsewhere entirely.”
But that doesn’t mean investors should fail to prepare for financial calamities…or the demise of paper currencies. Financial calamities are becoming increasingly likely in this overly indebted world of ours…and the death of paper currencies is becoming increasingly certain. The best time to prepare is ahead of time.

Addison Wiggin
for The Daily Reckoning

>Currency Chaos: Where Do We Go From Here?


‘The most important initiative you could take to improve the world economy would be to stabilize the dollar-euro rate.’


Global monetary relations are in disarray. Exchange rates fluctuate wildly among the world’s major trade partners, spawning talk of protectionism and a currency war. Gold is soaring as the dollar slides, and economists debate whether the biggest threat to U.S. recovery is deflation or inflation.
We need a giant of economics to help explain all this and recommend a remedy. Where in the world is Robert Mundell when you need him?
As it turns out, Mr. Mundell—the Columbia University professor who advocated the hard-money, low-tax policy mix that broke stagflation in the early 1980s, and who received the Nobel Prize in 1999 for his work on exchange rates—happened to be in New York this week. It’s a lucky break. When he’s not at his 500-year-old castle in Italy, the “father of the euro” is usually en route to his next lecture somewhere in the world.
“What is wrong with the global economy today?” I ask him. “How do we fix this monetary mess?” We are sitting on a comfortably worn sofa in the parlor of his apartment near campus, drinking tea. Plush fabrics drape the walls, along with Baroque paintings in ornately-gilded frames. And there are piles of books in the adjoining rooms. Really. Thick piles of books are stacked in corners, heaped against walls, balanced on short wooden tables.
“The problem started before World War I,” Mr. Mundell commences. “The gold standard was working fairly well. But it broke down because of the war and what happened in the 1920s. And then the U.S. started to become so dominant in the world, with the dollar becoming the central currency after the 1930s, the whole world economy shifted.
“Think of it like the solar system: It started with gold at the center, as the sun, but then Jupiter got bigger and bigger until all the planets started circulating Jupiter instead.”
“And the U.S. is Jupiter?” I deduce.
“Yes,” he affirms, “and the spread of the dollar was just miraculous as it became the anchor for the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system after World War II. The price of gold was fixed at $35 an ounce in 1934, but by the time the U.S. got through the Korean War, the Vietnam war, with all the associated secular inflation, the price level had gone up nearly three times.
“Gold became very undervalued; European countries traded in dollars for gold until the U.S. lost more than half its stock. The U.S. went off gold in 1971, under Nixon, and nobody else has gone on it again.”
Mr. Mundell, 77, is clearly in his element as he traces the monetary history of the last century. Like his apartment, he radiates a charmingly disheveled elegance, jaunty in jeans and an open-necked cream shirt.
“So our problems today,” I posit, “are related to the fact that the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange-rates linked to gold broke down?”
“The system broke down,” he hastens to explain, “not because of fixed rates. Fixed exchange rates operate between California and New York . . . the system broke down because there was no mechanism to keep the world price level in line with the price of gold.”
Atop the closest mound of books is a volume titled: “Shaping the Post-War World: The Clearing Union.” It features the collected writings of John Maynard Keynes from 1940-1944, when the famous British economist was helping to design a new international monetary order to provide a stable foundation for a world economy devastated by war.
“Are you thinking,” I venture, “that maybe it’s time to start figuring out the design for a new international monetary order? Should the U.S. offer new proposals regarding exchange rates and monetary policy?”
Mr. Mundell, who is Canadian, looks troubled. “I don’t think the U.S. has any ideas, they don’t have strong leadership on the international economic side,” he replies. “There hasn’t been anyone in the administration for a long time who really knows much about the international monetary system.”
He elaborates that it would not be possible today to forge a monetary system with the dollar as the key reserve currency, as President Franklin Roosevelt and Treasury Secretary Henry Morganthau did in the 1940s. “To be fair, America’s position is not nearly as strong now,” he concedes. “But what has disappointed me is the reluctance of the U.S. to take into account this big movement in the rest of the world to do something about restoring stability to the international monetary system.” He frowns. “They ignore it, as if the dollar’s exchange rate is a mere domestic matter.”
I take a sip of tea. “Do you think it has to do with our relationship with China?” The U.S. is threatening to impose tariffs on Chinese goods if Beijing doesn’t make them more expensive by revaluing its currency.
“The U.S. berates China for its exchange rate policy, which Washington doesn’t like,” Mr. Mundell says, noting that discriminatory tariffs against China might not be legal under the treaty provisions of the World Trade Organization. “But one-sided pressure on China to change its exchange rate is misplaced.”
Shaking his head, Mr. Mundell asserts: “The issue should not be treated as a bilateral dispute between the U.S. and China. It’s a multilateral issue because the U.S. deficit itself is a multilateral issue that is connected with the international role of the dollar.”
He goes on to explain that the dollar bloc includes China and other Asian countries—except Japan—but that the euro now constitutes the rest of the world. “The euro today is the counter-dollar,” he says. “The most important initiative you could take to improve the world economy would be to stabilize the dollar-euro rate.”
He thinks the European Central Bank, along with the Federal Reserve, should intervene in currency markets to limit movement in the world’s single most important exchange rate, pointing out that the dollar and euro together represent 40% of the world economy.
“If the U.S. demurs, are we headed toward a global currency war?” I ask.
Mr. Mundell looks tentative. “I don’t think it will come to a currency war,” he says. “The U.S. is still very powerful; it would be an unequal battle. But it’s important to have a high-level conference to explore opinions for reforming the world monetary system. The Europeans should be involved, as well as emerging countries.” He mentions that French President Nicolas Sarkozy recently spoke about the need to bring experts together for an intellectual discussion on the issue, perhaps in China.
“So you think a fixed exchange-rate system is more conducive to global free trade and global economic recovery than floating rates?” I ask.
Mr. Mundell registers surprise that I would even inquire. “The whole idea of having a free trade area when you have gyrating exchange rates doesn’t make sense at all. It just spoils the effect of any kind of free trade agreement.”
oming from the man who helped design Europe’s single currency, it makes perfect sense. Since its introduction in 1999, the euro has eliminated exchange-rate fluctuations among the 16 trade partners who have adopted it. In just over a decade, the euro has become the world’s second largest reserve currency after the dollar, and the second most-traded currency in foreign-exchange markets.
Which brings to mind another question. “What do you think about the rise in currency trading by banks, with some $4 trillion now turning over daily in global currency markets?”
Mr. Mundell thrusts out his arms. “It’s part of the sickness of the system! These currencies should be fixed, as they were under Bretton Woods or the gold standard. All this unnecessary noise, unnecessary uncertainty; it just confuses the ability to evaluate market prices.”
Mr. Mundell has a knack for boiling things down to simple terms. He grew up on a four-acre farm in Ontario, went on to earn a Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and would ultimately challenge the renowned Milton Friedman at the University of Chicago during the late 1960s. Both economists were strong proponents of free markets, but Mr. Mundell disagreed with Mr. Friedman’s advocacy of floating exchange rates.
The sound of a buzzer indicates lunch has arrived. Mr. Mundell suggests that we continue our discussion at the table and politely invites his assistant Ivy Ng, who has been taking careful notes, to join us.
“We’ve been talking about the possibility of global monetary reform,” I continue, deciding to switch gears. “Let’s talk a bit about domestic monetary policy. What do you think the Federal Reserve should be doing right now?”
It’s a seamless transition for Mr. Mundell. “The Fed is making a big mistake by ignoring movements in the price of the dollar, movements in the price of gold, in favor of inflation-targeting, which is a bad idea. The Fed has always had the wrong view about the dollar exchange rate; they think the exchange rate doesn’t matter. They don’t say that publicly, but that is their view.”
“Well,” I counter, not particularly savoring the role of devil’s advocate, “I suppose Fed officials would argue that their mandate is to try to achieve stable prices and maximum levels of employment.”
Mr. Mundell looks annoyed. “Well, it’s stupid. It’s just stupid.” He tries to walk it back somewhat. “I don’t mean Fed officials are stupid; it’s just this idea they have that exchange-rate effects will eventually be taken into account through the inflation-targeting approach. In the long run, it’s not incorrect—it takes about a year. But why ignore the instant barometer that something is happening? The exchange rate is the immediate reaction to pending inflation. Look what happened a couple weeks ago: The Fed started to say, we’ve got to print more money, inflate the economy a little bit. The dollar plummeted! You won’t get a change in the inflation index for months, but a falling exchange rate—that’s the first signal.” Clearly on a roll, I press a bit. “You mentioned gold?”
‘The price of gold is an index of inflation expectations,” Mr. Mundell says without hesitation. “The rising price of gold shows that people see huge amounts of debt being accumulated and they expect more money to be pumped out.” He purses his lips. “They might not necessarily be right; gold could be overvalued right now.”
Sensing that the soup is getting cold, I decide to cut to the chase: “What would be your winning formula today? What advice would you give to Washington that would help turn around our moribund economy?”
He pauses to think, but only for a moment. “Pro-growth tax policies, stable exchange rates.”
And then, with his spoon poised over his own bowl, he smiles sweetly and beckons for us to begin. “Buon appetito.” Ms. Shelton, an economist, is author of “Money Meltdown: Restoring Order to the Global Monetary System” (Free Press, 1994). She is co-director of the Sound Money Project at the Atlas Economic Research Foundation.

>Silver Hits 31-Year High as Mints Ration Silver Coins


Intense investor demand for bullion pushed silver to a new record today, touching a 31-year high of $31.77 an ounce before settling at $3.57, up 94.1 cents (+3.07%) on the day.
Mints in several countries, including Austria, Canada and the USA, sold record numbers of silver coins in January, and selling has reached such a fever pitch that these mints have had to ration their selling. In a Financial Times interview, Royal Canadian Mint head of bullion sales David Madge said, “We have sold everything we can produce in silver, and have demand for at least twice that volume.”
The price of silver increased by an impressive 84 percent in 2010 (outperformed only by palladium’s 96 percent rise), and with the fundamentals that drove silver up last year still in place, many analysts see silver growing substantially in 2011, although a repeat of last year’s 84 percent rise is unlikely.
Silver continues to out-perform gold, as illustrated by the silver-gold ratio (the number of ounces of silver that buys an ounce of gold) falling under 44, its lowest point in almost five years. Gold is currently down 2.5 percent from its 2010 close, although its price appears to be back on the upswing.
Silver, like gold, is currently reaping the benefits of investor anxiety over the heightening turmoil in the Middle East, as well as a declining U.S. dollar, which is taking a hard hit from rising U.S. unemployment, rising inflation, and the U.S. Federal Reserve’s ongoing quantitative easing program, which is printing $75 billion in new greenbacks each month.

Source: Gold Investor & Jay Taylor

More on this topic  

Why I’m Buying Silver at $30
Silver Headed to $50 an Ounce in 2011

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