>New WORDPRESS Theme: Rusty Grunge


New Theme: Rusty Grunge

by Matías

It is time to introduce a new free theme which goes by the appropriately evocative name of Rusty Grunge. It goes without saying, this theme has all the rusty and grungy elements needed to appeal to all those who embrace grunginess in themes. It has a light content area over a dark background, and some color splashes around on its design.

The Rusty Grunge Theme

The theme comes equipped with options for Custom Background, Menus, Post Formats, and Header Image. It also bears two distinct widget areas, making this theme not only grungy but also highly customizable.
As usual, find more about what it has to offer on the Theme Showcase.

>>> Designed by Chris Wallace, Rusty Grunge is also available for self-hosted WordPress.org sites via the WordPress.org Themes Directory.

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>Blogger 10 TIMES better than WordPress


Why Blogger is better than WordPress ?

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This is a Guest Post written by Navjot Singh. If you wish to write for Everything About Blogging, check our guest posting guidelines – Write For Us. Most of the times, we see that many bloggers are blog on WordPress! Even me. But why? We know that WordPress is better than Blogspot. The reason being, its features like more flexibility, less coding, high end features, a much better interface for multi-author blogs. But, there are many things for which Blogger is better than WordPress.

If we are going for WordPress, then we need a self hosted blog and for that, we will need to pay for hosting every month or year. But in case if you choose blogger.com you don’t need to pay for any hosting charges. Your blog is fully hosted on Google and if you go with WordPress (self hosted), well you need to buy a custom domain as well. But, in case of blogger you get your own xxx.blogspot.com and meanwhile, your WordPress blog is hosted on other company servers where we don’t get a 100% up-time, but in case of Blogger you get 100% up-time. Just think about this for second- can Google go down?

Well, after Google launched it’s XML powered themes function, many themes have been developed and most of them are available for free where as most of the WordPress themes are paid ones. Well, we can take Mukund’s My World template which is highly customizable and we just need a little knowledge about html and xml and you are ready to go. Most of the templates listed on Mukund’s blog are SEO Optimized & multi-author optimized. So, what more you need?
Even when I started my blogging, I started with a blogspot domain because it’s simple and easy to use. The interface helps the newbies to understand what blogging is… When it comes to understanding, Blogger will defeat WordPress in straight sets. You can play a lot with the codes. Most important  factor is that you don’t need to invest anything. You just start out blogging and after that when you really want to become professional, you can choose WordPress!
But, I would truly say that when I first saw “EAB – http://www.newbloggingtipz.com” I thought that it’s a WordPress blog run on Thesis theme. But when I came to know that this blog is hosted on blogger with a custom domain, I was amazed. It shows that how customizable Blogspot blogs can be! So you can choose Blogspot as your main blogging platform too. What actually matters – your content and a better design!!!
Blogger has started to introduce many features. The first being – xml driven blog, then a new template editor and now, there is a big change that will soon come into effect. The whole blogspot.com interface will be changed to new look, and that will be really awesome. Take a look at the video below:

We can conclude that we CAN opt Blogspot as our main blogging platform too. It can be easily edited to match with that of the WordPress features and the dashboard look, well, it’s soon gonna change. So, be it blogger or wordpress, enjoy what you do – blogging!!!

About the Author
Navjot works for Guangzhou Website Development and Web Design Dubai, companies that provides web design solutions in Shenzhen, Beijing, etc…

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