
Better YouTube Support in Blogger

Blogger allows you to upload your own videos via the Blogger Post Editor. It also allows you to embed YouTube videos into your posts(by copy pasting the YouTube embed code into your post editor). Now Blogger has made this process even more simpler by providing a better interface for adding YouTube videos.
This YouTube integration is available only in the updated Post Editor. So if you are still using the old editor, it’s a good time for an upgrade.
This feature is currently available in the draft version of blogger. So, to test this new feature,you should login to your Draft Dashboard(http://draft.blogger.com) instead of the regular one(http://www.blogger.com)


Search for some video using some keywords, select the video and click the select button
Now you should see the video in your post Editor. You can continue editing the post using the WYSIWYG Editor and publish it. If you are trying to embed your own YouTube videos(The ones uploaded to YouTube by you), then you can use the “My YouTube videos” Tab.

Sharing a  video from YouTube.

YouTube has  got a Blogger Share Button which will enable you to quickly post the video onto your blog.This might be very useful when you suddenly stumble upon some interesting video and want to post it onto your blog.
If you have multiple blogs, select the appropriate one from the Popup Post Editor and you can quickly publish the video to your blog.


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>O2 > YouTube Video Editor Makes Online Editing Simple


Post-interview video editing with Final Cut Pr...Image by mobilechina2007 via Flickr

 , About.com Guide

The Bottom Line
There’s a certain beauty in the simplicity of the YouTube video editor. It’s just a single track timeline with basic transitions and effects, and a simple soundtrack feature. But it’s easy to learn, quick to use, and pretty awesome.
It may be simple, but just for being on YouTube it’s a success and has the potential to change the way millions of producers interact with the site.

  • The YouTube video editor is easy to learn
  • The YouTube video editor processes video quickly
  • The YouTube video editor is free
  • The YouTube video editor only has the most basic features.
  • The YouTube video editor makes it easy to edit and remix your YouTube videos.
  • Video editing on YouTube is very basic, lacking any complex editing features.
  • As part of the Test Tube program, the YouTube video editor is still under development.
  • You can only edit YouTube videos that you’ve uploaded to your YouTube account.
  • Effects include black & white, image stabilization, brightness and contrast.
  • Transitions include basics like crossfade and wipe, as well as cheesy ones like heart, star and jack-o-lantern.
Guide Review – YouTube Video Editor Makes Online Editing Simple
The YouTube video editor is getting better and better. When it was originally introduced, all you could do was trim your clips, arrange them in a timeline, insert basic transitions and add a soundtrack.
Now, you can also create multiple projects and add effects to change the look of your video. These improvements make the YouTube editor – already a great tool – even better.
Even with its recent additions, the YouTube editor remains a simple tool. And simplicity has its benefits. In the case of the YouTube video editor it translates into speed. We all know how slow video editing can be on a desktop computer, and you’d expect editing online to be even slower.
That’s not the case with the YouTube video editor, which processes your videos much more quickly than you’d expect from an online video application. And it’s much easier to learn, so you can start editing your YouTube videos in no time.
Obviously, such limited video editing software is not suitable for many projects. But I can imagine many instances where the YouTube video editor will come in incredibly handy.
For instance, it’s great for making mashups of your recent videos. And web series producers could use the YouTube video editor to add opening and closing credits onto their videos.
The YouTube video editor is nothing complex. It’s just a simple tool that has the power to deeply impact the way we publish and interact with online video – much like YouTube itself.

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>O2 HUB >> How to improve the quality of your cellphone VIDEOS with YouTube


This problem is often referred as the shaky camera syndrome and affects almost all home videos that are shot with hand-held video cameras and smartphones. The video quality could be great but because of shaky footage, they are difficult to watch.
Well the good news is that YouTube engineers have created an almost magical solution to fix your shaky videos with the click of a button. To get an idea, watch the clip below – it’s identical to the one above but with stabilization done by YouTube.

Stabilizing your shaky videos (see how-to) is now almost as simple as shooting new video.
Simply upload the video to YouTube, launch the YouTube video editor and hit the Effects button. YouTube will offer a real-time preview of how the video might look after the stabilization as you move the slider – once you are satisfied, click Save.
YouTube might take a while to process your video (it took more than a few hours to stabilize the above 20-second clip) but once that’s done, the stabilized video will appear as a new video in your YouTube account. Other than stabilization, you may also change the brightness and contrast level of your videos using the same Effects option.

How to Stabilize Videos with YouTube

The following screencast describes how you may easily fix shaky videos with YouTube.

Desktop based video editing tools like Windows Movie Maker are speedier and offer excellent support for adding transitions, for mixing audio with video, etc. but stabilization is one feature that is quite unique to YouTube’s online video editor and may therefore prove to be a massive crowd-puller in the long run.

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>HOW TO Add Clickable Links in YouTube Videos


by EarnBlogger

Have you tested LinkedTube? LinkedTube is simple but smart flash widget tool that will enable you to create clickable links over YouTube videos with your own embed code. The created link appears as a floating button over the video and can be used to link directly to your blog, website, product page or anything else. Even other people can get the code and share it on their websites.

With LinkedTube, you can create custom YouTube video link widget in less than a minute. It has a simple form where you can enter the YouTube video id or URL, your own link text, link URL, hover title and hover text. That’s it! Your video link is ready. Just save and get the code to embed it on your blog, website or anywhere on the Internet. This simple tool also offers an option to specify how the link button appears. You can set it to show always, show on hover or never show.

In my view, it is the simplest third party solution to insert a link layer above YouTube videos. You can use it to make your videos more viral, as unlike ordinary YouTube videos, the embeddable video created with LinkedTube links back directly to your site. And when other people shares your video, they all will link back to your site!
Got it?
Why don’t you give it a try?
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